chapter 19- paparazzi

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"Channie I'm going to the gym with changbin do you want to go?" I asked chan. "I'm working on a song, you guys can go I will maybe go after I finish here, enjoy!"
You and changbin went out of the dorm and walked to the gym which was just 10 minutes from the dorms and it was good walking before the gym. "Hey y/n, listen, I need to go to the dorms and change clothes, I forgot I was meeting a friend today. You will be fine here alone right?" Changbin seemed a little worried. "Of course binnie, I'll come back home in less than an hour, and I know the way back, it's fine." He still seemed like he hesitate a bit but eventually he nodded and left.

After about half an hour you decided to go home so you got all of your things and went out, you walked peacefully for exactly two minutes until you heard people running and taking pictures of you. It was paparazzi who followed you to the gym and now cough you. You knew something like this can happen but not like this, in the middle of the street. People wants to know so much about he new member and can't wait to the interviews so they just decided to call paparazzi to follow me. I didn't know what to do or where to walk, it was so scary. They kept asking me questions and I kept telling them it's not the right time. I opened my bug and got my phone out to call chan but I remembered they could see the na,e on the screen and I definitely don't need relationship rumors right now, so I decided to call seungmin to help me since he was the only one home except for chan and Lee know who were both beasy. "Seungmin please come help me I'm two minutes away from the gym and I have a lot of paparazzi all over me and I can't go anywhere. Please come the fastest way you can." And in three minutes seungmin was actually there but by than, all the paparazzi left. You two walked back to the dorm and you told chan everything and he told it to jyp. In the evening you, chan, seungmin, Lee know and hyunjin were sitting on the couch when suddenly Lee know showed hyunjin his phone, they were both shocked. "What is it?" Chan asked, his voice sounded a bit angry as he knew what Lee know showed hyunjin. "It's about the paparazzi isn't it?" I said with disappointment in my voice, not from them but from that whole situation. Hyunjin nodded to Lee know for 'permission' and gave me the phone.
There was photos under the title:

Y/n was in her way back from the gym when a fan sent paparazzi her location and in just two minutes they were there but although they accepted her to smile she did the opposite, she acted rude and tried to avoid questions and run from there. Is y/n only nice when she is told? Or did she just had a bad day?

Jyp comment on the issue:
"Y/n came back from the gym when the paparazzi blocked her and tried to take photos and asks questions, she got scared from the whole situation and wanted to get home 'I felt like they were almost attacking me, I had to run away from there'. In conclusion, y/n is a young artist and this is her first time experiencing paparazzi in this way, I would make sure this won't happen anymore to any of our artists and I don't blame y/n in this, she was the victim."


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hyunjin.143:'the paparazzi stormed on y/n who just came home from the gym, she was terrified and they kept asking her questions although she said she can't answer questions now, qnd remember, she just debut, this is her first time getting recognized on the streets, you can't scare her like this and be surprised she wanted to go and she didn't smile.'

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