chapter 7-practice

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Y/n's pov:
I felt somting next to me as I heard the alarm rings.
I opened my eyes and gasped, now seeing that the something I felt next to me was Chan.
we were sleeping in my bed, so close to each other, but our bodies did not touch. I just stared at him and thought 'I can't like him that way he's my member and my brothers friend'
but I kept looking and adoring everything about his face.
The alarm rang again and he suddenly opened his eyes. He turned to turn off the alarm but when he turned back he saw me and jumped out of the bed while gasping loudly
"y/n wha-what are you doing here?!?" I just laughed and told him it's my bed and he probably fell asleep on it last night. "I'm so sorry y/n, my bad" He said and ran out of the room.
I smelled something good and wanted to check on it so I got out the room, first to the bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair and than I went to the kitchen to find out Lee know already made breakfast with Felix. "Good morning y/n! How was your night?" Felix asked " I slept pretty good, thank you for asking! anyway what did you make it smells amazing!" I smiled at them and they looked happy "we made pancakes for you, since it's your first full day here! Everyone is so excited and yesterday was so fun! we already know you'll fit amazing with us and to be honest I think we'll be besties but don't tell anyone I said that" Felix whisperd the last part, so even Lee know couldn't hear what he said. "I'm so hungry minho when can we eat?!?" Hyunjin came behind us with messy hair and his morning voice, that was so cute. "we'll eat when everyone wakes up, if you want to eat that much you can go with y/n and wake everyone up." Hyunjin just nodded and grabbed my arm. chan walked past us and he was blushing.

Blushing? I just kept walking, confused about what just happened.

we got to seungmin and I.n's room and woke them up, than we went to jisung, and when we were walking towards Changbin, we saw him working on something "what are you doing? come eat and do this later!!" Hyunjin was a little med at Changbin. "I'm making a schedule for y/n. BTW today is your first dance practice!" My eyes lit up but then hyunjin grabbed Changbin in his right hand and my hand in his left and dragged us to the table.

During the meel we talked more "y/n, be ready at 11, we will go today to the dance studio and if we will have any time left we'll go to the recording room to see which racha you'll be in." Chan said but kept his head down to not make eye contact with you. "What is a racha?" You asked and Han explained it with seungmins help.
"when will y/n debut?" I.n asked chan "we'll see how she goes. but for now we think it'll be next comeback or maybe a few weeks after that."
You all finished eating, it was 10:30 so you got ready and put on dancing clothes.

" You all finished eating, it was 10:30 so you got ready and put on dancing clothes

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You went there with Felix, I.n, han and seungmin because you all got ready faster and waited there for the other members. "Hi everyo-" Chan said and stopped when he saw you. the practice clothes showed your figure and you looked so good with a high ponytail and a hat. he liked it but stopped staring at you so the members wouldn't notice his stares. "Hyung is everything OK?" I.n said seriously. " yeah I'm all fine, let's just start"
The members taught you a little part of their choreography and than gave you a part of a song to make your own choreography.
This was the result:

When you finished dancing every one was shocked because they gave you only less than 10 minutes to make your own choreography and this is what you did in such dort time. But than you noticed someone with red face. it was Chan, of course, you blushed at chans blushing (if that makes sense) "y/n is definitely dance racha, look what she did in less than 10 minutes, we need her in dance racha!" Lee know said looking really proud and ready to fight over you. "But you heard her sing in the video, if she sings like that today she has to be with vocal racha!" Seungmin almost yelled "but you saw how she write and produce, we can also work a little on her rap and she'll be perfect for 3 racha guys" han said and Changbin agreed, they all just looked at chan who was daydreaming about you. "Chan! Channn!!!" Felix yelled at Him. "What?!?" Chan responded in the same tone. "which racha do you think y/n should be in?" Hyunjin asked "I think y/n could choose her own racha, or maybe she'll be in two rachas..." all the members looked happy "So y/n what racha do you want to be in?" 

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