"Got it, but what will the winner get as his prize." Jungkook asked, tae made a thinking face.

"Hmm how about the one who wins gets to tease other in any way they want." Tae spoke, the mischievousness was visible in his tone. Jungkook hummed agreeing with tae's words.

"If that's the prize I am definitely winning the game." Jungkook spoke, tae tugged out his tongue in a teasing manner.

"You wish." Tae mumbled, Jungkook laughed softly as they sipped the hot chocolate and had a bite from the cupcakes.

"So I will go first. My three statements are...
One. I had ditched jiminie when we were caught bunking in school.
Second. I always fascinated me with random handsome boys I saw.
Third. I never had mint chocolate ice cream." Tae spoke, Jungkook grinned.

"It's the second one of course, you haven't fascinated yourself with the random handsome boys you saw." Jungkook spoke in a confident tone, tae huffed as he hummed agreeing that Jungkook was right.

"It's my turn now, so. My three statements are..
One. I had a friend in my college days who had a crush on me.
Second. I am scared of microwaves.
Third. I hate when people get too close to me." Jungkook spoke, this time it was tae who grinned smuggly.

"It's number 2, the second one. You are scared of microwaves." Tae spoke, Jungkook shook his head. Tae frowned.

"Eh? You are scared of microwaves?" Tae asked being amazed, Jungkook hummed nodding his head.

"But you didn't seem like you were scared a few minutes ago." Tae spoke in disbelief.

"That's because I was trying to not embarrass myself, and second either of us had to put the try inside and I can't possibly ask you to do that knowing you have no idea how to use it." Jungkook spoke with a shrug, tae parted his lips to say something but closed it again.

"Then what's the lie?" Tae asked.

"Third one, I hate when people gets too close to me, except my family." Jungkook spoke, tae stared at him with a blank face.

"You didn't say except my family, it's cheating kookie." Tae accused, Jungkook shook his head.

"I didn't say that cause it wasn't the main statement, the main statement was I hate when people get close to me. The score is still one and zero." Jungkook spoke with a teasing smile, tae rolled his eyes.

"My three statements.
One. I had a wet dream about us after a week of us being in a relationship.
Second. I knew you weren't bad even after I got to know you are han's son.
Third. I had touched myself many times to get some pleasure in my teenage days." Tae spoke, Jungkook thought for a while.

"I think the third one is the lie, you surely would have a wet dream of us and you knew that I was good even being han's son. So I chose third to be a lie." Jungkook spoke.

"Dang, the first one is a lie. I never had any wet dreams of you." Tae spoke with a bright boxy smile, while Jungkook stared at him with disbelief.

"You never, damn i almost every night had wet dreams about us till our wedding." Jungkook spoke out of so casually, tae's cheeks turned pink as he slapped Jungkook's arms softly.

"I don't call you a pervert for nothing." Tae muttured as he sipped the hot chocolate to get over the shyness he was feeling hearing his husband's words.

"Ok so the score is the same one for both, I will tell my statements now.
One. I had a dog as my pet when I was in middle school.
Second. A girl tried to get me laid by getting me shit drunk in my college days.
Third. I always imagined myself while writing the male leads of my stories." Jungkook spoke, tae had to think hard.

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