Chapter 5 entering the Palace

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When he left Peixian County, he saw that he was drifting away from his hometown, and there was a whisper of crying in the carriage.
It took more than a day for the party to arrive at the post station in Xuzhou, the provincial capital. Here, several other counties have come to gather one after another.
After waiting for a day, the assembly is finally finished. A total of ten carriages set off from Guanchai to the capital.
Originally 10 people in a more spacious carriage, now squeezed 20 people, it looks very crowded.
Every car is followed by a father-in-law in charge. Lin Jiabao and his father-in-law in charge of a car, surnamed Zhao, are about 35 years old, not tall and very thin. His expression was very serious and strict with them, and everyone was afraid of him.
Along the way, everyone gradually got to know each other. In particular, most of the people who come out of a place have formed small groups. Lin Jiabao, the only one who came out of Peixian County, was vaguely excluded. Lin Jiabao did not take the initiative to come forward and cleverly obey the arrangement of his father-in-law. Father-in-law Zhao looked at his share and was kind to him.
After walking on the road for nearly half a month, they finally came to the post station on the outskirts of the capital.
The post-station was so large that there were already many carriages parked in the stable. People from all over the country are gathered here.
"get out of the car and get your things. Don't talk, don't look around, follow me. "
When everyone got out of the carriage and did not hurry to speak, they bowed their heads and followed. Father-in-law Zhao took them to a large bunk room to settle down. There are several pots of water in the house for them to clean their faces and wash their hands.
Then he took them to dinner and each gave them a bowl of corn porridge and a rough nest. Although it is simple and humble, it is much better than the dry food cakes along the way. was very hungry at the end of the day, and everyone ate it hungrily.
Father-in-law Zhao asked them to go to the toilet again, then took them back to the big bunk and locked the door.
After entering the house, everyone scrambled to get a good berth, and the people in the same village also helped each other to occupy a favorable position. Lin Jiabao people are small and have little strength. It was pushed to the door at once.
Lin Jiabao did not want to fight with them, holding his small baggage and sleeping in the outermost position of the bed.
"Hey, get some sleep. Don't lean on me! " The girl sleeping next to her turned to Lin Jiabao ferociously.
This girl is also from Lin Jiacun and is very mean to Lin Jiabao. He looked at him as if he were something dirty.
Lin Jiabao did not speak, but just moved to the door.
I was very tired at the end of the day, and everyone soon went to sleep.
The next day, father-in-law Zhao called them all up before dawn, and after having an early meal, everyone got into the carriage again.
The carriage entered the capital and stopped at the imperial city. Everyone was shocked by the towering city wall when they got out of the carriage.
Lin Jiabao looked at the scarlet wall, which was so high that there was no end in sight. In the morning light, the palace with red walls and yellow tiles is particularly solemn. Today is the day for the palace people to enter the palace, and Xuanwu Gate opened early.
First of all, they were taken to the other five to undergo the first round of screening.
The first round of screening is very simple, mainly to see if the appearance is neat, articulate clearly, there is no disability, smell, and so on.
Although the process is simple, this time nearly a thousand people entered the palace and waited for a long time.
Lin Jiabao was assigned to a team of twins and passed the first round of screening smoothly. By the time all the people in the line were screened, it was already noon.
Then a group of them were taken to lunch, which was better in the palace.
Each person has a bowl of vegetable porridge and white steamed bread. There are not only vegetables in the porridge, but also some minced meat. All the way, these people only had dry food, had not touched meat for a long time, and swallowed saliva one after another while smelling the fragrance.
Lin Jiabao drank a mouthful of porridge, which tasted delicious and unwittingly accelerated the speed of swallowing.
"it's white flour steamed bun. it's delicious! I have never eaten such delicious steamed bread. " A pair of children took a big bite into the steamed bread.
"really, it's delicious." Several twins on one side agreed in unison.
"cut it! Just a few white steamed buns. " Said one of the exquisite-looking twins with disdain.
Lin Jiabao also looked at the white steamed bread in his hand. The Lin family ate very little, because there were so many people in the family that they usually ate with corn flour.
Lin Jiabao took a bite of steamed bread and chewed it slowly, with a touch of sweetness, which was really delicious.
Everyone ate a lot for lunch today. Lin Jiabao ate two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge. Lin Jiabao touched his belly. It was the fullest meal he had had in nearly half a month.
In the afternoon, a father-in-law came to take them to a big bathhouse and let them clean themselves.
Then they need to go into a room one by one, naked for the two old mothers to check.
Lin Jiabao stood stiff and turned around according to the request of the old Mammy. Go and lie down on another couch and let Mammy examine her lower body.
One of them saw that he looked good and touched him. "the leather is so slippery."
Lin Jiabao blushed with shame and dared not move or speak.
After the examination, the old sister told him to get up. A grandmother dipped her brush into the palace-keeping cinnabar in the porcelain bowl on the table and moved a little to the inside of Lin Jiabao's arm.
After that, the mothers did not embarrass him and asked Lin Jiabao to get dressed and go out.
Lin Jiabao left the house and came to a big courtyard. The people who had previously checked were already waiting, and Lin Jiabao came forward to stand with them.
Lin Jiabao looked at the bright red dot on his arm in a trance. This is the sand mole of the palace, which symbolizes chastity.
Suddenly there was a loud noise from the other end of the courtyard, and from the other room, a girl was dragged out, "Mammy spare your life, Mammy spare your life!" Spare your life! " The girl cried and screamed.
Several eunuchs pressed the girl to the ground, swung long, thick sticks and hit the girl.
"when there is a place in the palace, the dirty and smelly can come in. Anyone who dares to come here to cheat is a dead word. " Exclaimed an old Mammy in front of the people in the courtyard.
The girl's cry went from big to small, and then it was inaudible, leaving only the sound of a stick hitting the meat.
The blood spattered down the stick, and the girl's lower body was covered with flesh and blood.
The people around them were scared to death and dared not make a sound. Several timid ones almost fainted.
Lin Jiabao looked at it twice and then dared not look at it again, and his face was very white.
After a while, the girl was confirmed to be dead and was dragged away, leaving a large pool of blood on the ground.
This is the first time Lin Jiabao has seen a dead man, and it is also the first time to understand the cruelty in the palace. Secretly told myself, must not make a mistake, the family is waiting for him, to be good out of the palace.
By the time all the twins in their team had been checked, it was time for dinner again.
A group of people went to have dinner, which is the same as minced meat, porridge and steamed bread.
After the events of the afternoon, everyone looks bad.
Lin Jiabao felt sick to his stomach when he thought of the scene he saw in the afternoon. Reluctantly, I ate a bowl of porridge and a steamed bread.
At this time, the father-in-law came in with a Mammy in a gray palace dress, and when everyone saw it, they all put down their bowls and stood up.
"this is Mammy Xi. In the next month, you should learn the rules of the palace from Mother Xi." The father-in-law in charge said.
"I am Sister Xi, and you thirty palace attendants of twins will be in charge of me for the next month. From tomorrow, you will all learn the rules and manners of the palace from me. Now I will first give you palace service clothes, so that when you enter the palace, you will not be able to wear your own clothes. Now you go and put it on, then pick up your things and gather over here. I'll take you to where you live. "
Yuanfu found that his Royal Highness the Crown Prince was very strange these days, especially today.
After the end of the morning, his Royal Highness did not deal with government affairs, but sat in the study for a long time. The expression looks so. Pleasure, so. excited.
It was even weirder in the afternoon, and his Royal Highness did not go to Beidaying, but took him around the palace.
And more and more deviant, choose the remote path in the palace.
The sky is getting dark. "your Highness, where are you going?" If we go on, we will be in the outer fifth palace.
At this time, a group of people dressed in bean-blue palace clothes in the distance were coming this way. Xuanyuan Hancheng was delighted to see the color of the palace clothes.
Xuanyuan Hancheng stepped forward quickly, and Yuanfu hurriedly followed.
Mammy Xi walked along the palace road with a group of palace attendants and saw two people coming in the distance.
The leader was dressed in a crimson-purple suit with a Phnom Penh flap. He was followed by an eunuch and came closer to see if this was not the Yuan Fu of the Eastern Palace of the Prince.
Then the leader is. "see your Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" Mammy Xi saluted and knelt down.
As soon as Mammy Xi knelt down, Lin Jiabao and others hurriedly knelt down behind her.
"are you. Huh? Where are you going? " Xuanyuan Hancheng asked his grandmother, but his eyes were searching for something behind her.
Soon Xuanyuan Hancheng found the man he had been longing for. Lin Jiabao, dressed in bean blue palace service, knelt over there, Xuanyuan Han clenched his fist and restrained himself from coming forward.
Lin Jiabao was only 12 years old at this time, and his little face was still childish. Dressed in broad palace clothes, people look particularly petite. Baby's face is not good, head down, vaguely see those two small dimples, really cute!
"back to your Royal Highness, old servant is the Mammy of the outer five palaces. This is the day when the new palace people enter the palace, and behind me is the palace attendant who entered the palace this time. There are many people entering the palace this time, and they can't live in the outer five palaces. The old slave is going to take them to Xili Hall for placement. "
"get up." Xuanyuan Hancheng fixed his eyes on Lin Jiabao. "take them to settle down quickly."
Xuanyuan Hancheng reluctantly looked at it again and left quickly. If he does not leave, he is afraid that he will really be excited to hold Lin Jiabao. It's not the time yet, and he doesn't want to scare him.
"Xili Palace." Xuanyuan Hancheng whispered happily.
Yuanfu was very confused about the look of his Royal Highness. His Royal Highness had just kept his eyes fixed on that group of palace attendants. Did he take a fancy to anyone?
Yuanfu thought about it and shook his head. He didn't see any beautiful one just now. Moreover, these palace attendants are all very young and have not yet grown. He must be thinking too much.
Lin Jiabao and these palace attendants memorize the palace rules with Xi Ma every morning, and learn how to behave and do etiquette in the afternoon.
Almost all those who come into the palace can't read, so they can only memorize those mouthful palace rules, and also write down the way to the palace, such as the clothing bureau, the royal dining room, and so on, which they must remember. In addition, they also need to know some taboos such as what is forbidden to enter.
These are not difficult for Lin Jiabao. The eldest brother taught him some words that can be remembered by heart. It can be memorized a little faster than others.
Etiquette and manners are more difficult for them. Walk with your head down, eyes down, chest covered and silent. How to salute and kneel is fastidious.
When you answer, you should speak clearly and the sentence should be concise. The voice should be neither light nor loud, and the speed of speech should be steady, neither fast nor slow.
Also learn to make tea and practice serving tea and water. The hands and feet should be sharp, but they should also be light. The cups and bowls on the plate should not make a sound, and the tea should not be spilled.
Lin Jiabao studies very hard and practices hundreds of times every day.
After nearly a month, Yuanfu was sure that his Royal Highness had taken a fancy to which servant in the Xili Palace.
His Royal Highness went to Xili Palace almost every day, secretly jumped into the courtyard and peeked in from the window. Every time Yuanfu followed with fear.
Even his Royal Highness would climb the tree in the west glass palace and look out at the palace attendant in the courtyard.
Ouch! My crown prince, what are you doing? What if the guards on patrol in the palace saw this? What a shame! Yuanfu is going crazy.
He had been with the prince for so long that he never knew his Royal Highness had such a hobby. Do you like twins or are you so young?
Yuanfu was really curious about what kind of Gemini it was that made his Royal Highness look like this.
On this day, in the inner study, Xuanyuan Hancheng called Yuanfu to him and dismissed all his servants. "I think you have guessed that there is your future master in the Xili Palace. Let me tell you something now, be sure to do it well. How do you know Sister Lin, who is in the imperial room of my mother's palace? "
Xuanyuan Hancheng thought about it or decided to put the treasure in his mother's palace. His palace had not been cleaned up, so he was not at ease.
The imperial dim sum room is a small kitchen specializing in refreshments and refreshments in the mother's palace. There is not much work to be done on weekdays, and it is not very hard. There are not many people in the imperial point room, and there are few disputes.
Mammy Lin knew that she was the dowry of her mother, gave birth to a child, and had an in-laws relationship with her confidant, Mother Zhou. Sister Lin is so skillful in craftsmanship that she has a little face in front of her mother.
Moreover, Grandma Lin had a good temper and would not easily beat and scold the people in the palace below. Put his baby there first, so he can feel more at ease.
"this. Friendship is still good. " Yuan Fu said that he was very popular in the palace.
Xuanyuan Han Cheng nodded, "Let Mammy Lin pick people to work in her imperial room and take care of them." His name is Lin Jiabao and his name in the palace is an Zhu. He is 12 years old and comes from Peixian County. His eyes are big and there are two dimples on his face. You go to the small warehouse. If you don't do it well this time, you won't have to follow me anymore. "
"No. The lackey will certainly take care of it. " Yuanfu saw that his Royal Highness the Crown Prince looked serious and hurriedly replied.
Yuanfu got the instructions of the crown prince and went to the Empress's Yongshou Palace.
When Yuanfu came to the imperial room, Mammy Lin was making snacks with several palace maids. Seeing Yuanfu coming, he laid down his work and came forward. "Father Yuanfu, what are you doing here at this time, but what can I do for your Royal Highness?"
"well, when his Royal Highness was with the queen last time, he ate the kidney bean cake made by the imperial house, and he liked it very much. The cook who went back to the East Palace also made it, and his Royal Highness said the taste was different. Here I am coming. "
"then I'll do it. Father-in-law Yuanfu, just a moment." Mammy Lin was also very happy to hear that her Royal Highness liked to eat her snacks.
"Don't be busy, Mammy, and let your men do it. I'm in no hurry. Hehe. " Yuanfu hastened to hold Sister Lin.
Mammy Lin looked at Yuanfu's face and knew that he had something to say. Told the maids around them to make cakes, took Yuanfu out of the kitchen and came to the house in the back row.
Mammy Lin took Yuanfu to her room. As the steward of the imperial room, Mammy Lin had a larger room with two rooms inside and outside.
Mammy Lin took him to the outside room to sit down. "what can I do for Father Yuan Fu?"
"Sister Lin, we are old friends, too. To tell you the truth, I really have something to ask of you this time. " Yuanfu said to Sister Lin, "this time there are new people in the palace, and they will be assigned tomorrow." I have a distant relative among them. I think Sister Lin is kind and good at craftsmanship. I wish I could work for you. "
"that's it, it's not that difficult." Mammy Lin thought it was something hot. There were not many people on her side, and it was no problem to ask one more person to come over.
"then I'll take it as a yes! Haha, Sister Lin, you have helped me a lot this time. " Yuanfu excitedly told Mammy Lin about Lin Jiabao.
"my relative is very clever and sensible, and I'll have to trouble Sister Lin to take more care of her in the future." As Yuan Fu said, he took out a brocade box from his chest and handed it to Mammy Lin. "I heard that Mammy is going to be born next month. This is a small token. Don't dislike it, Mammy."
"Oh, father-in-law, that's very kind of you. Don't worry, I will take good care of it. " Sister Lin accepted it with a smile.
The two talked for a while, and Mammy Lin and Yuanfu went back to the kitchen.
"Sister Lin, the kidney bean cake is ready. Take a look." Jade Frost, the oldest under Mammy Lin, was carrying cakes for Mammy to examine.
Sister Lin looked at the shape and took a taste. Nod. "well done." I gave Yuanfu a few more.
"that's the taste. It's delicious. Sister Lin taught me well. It's a blessing to work under you. " Yuanfu praised strongly.
Mammy Lin was also very proud. Jade Frost was her right-hand man and learned her craftsmanship by seven or eight points.
After that, Yuanfu packed the snacks in a food box and went back to work.
As soon as Yuanfu left, the other two maids also gathered around. "the Reverend Mother is so amazing that even her Royal Highness is thinking about the cakes in our royal room." Yuling, the youngest and most lively, said.
"Yes! We are really blessed to learn to make snacks with Sister Lin. " The older Yutaki is also patting the tunnel.
Of course, Sister Lin was happy to hear this. "all right, you have the sweetest mouths, so go and do something."
At night, Mammy Lin returned to her room and opened the brocade box. Inside is a piece of jade card, the jade water head is very sufficient, extremely transparent. It is engraved with the characters of green pine and longevity, which is very exquisite. Mammy Lin played with the jade card in her hand and couldn't put it down.
Under the jade card was a stacked square silver ticket, and Mammy Lin thought to herself that this Yuanfu was really thoughtful.
As soon as she unfolded the silver ticket, she saw the boss with a pair of stared eyes from Mammy Lin. The denomination of the silver note was 12000 silver, which really startled her.
So much silver!
I'm afraid it's not as simple as Yuan Fu's distant relatives to take care of Mammy Lin. Think of the back of Yuanfu. Alas! This should all come down, and we have no choice but to do so.
Sister Lin carefully put away the silver ticket and went to bed early. She is going to go to Xi Li Palace early tomorrow morning, but she dare not delay.
In the house where Lin Jiabao lives in the West Glass Palace, everyone will be assigned to tomorrow and talk about it.
"if you ask me, it will be easier for us to share it with some favored lady's palace." A Gemini said.
"how can there be such a good thing? I heard that Gemini waiters are not needed in many palaces. And the emperor loves the empress best, so the Yongshou Palace is not easy to enter. " The other Gemini refuted him.
"Yes, I have inquired with the father-in-law in charge, and the places we visit most are the Shanggong Bureau, the Shanglin Bureau and the Royal Catering Room."
"if only I could work in the Eastern Palace of his Royal Highness the Crown Prince." A long and delicate twin said, "I took a sneak look at it that time. The prince was handsome and his voice was very gentle."
"your Highness the Crown Prince." A Gemini lowered her voice mysteriously. "I heard Mammy chatting with several fathers-in-law, saying that a maid accidentally crashed into the crown prince and was immediately killed by a staff."
"really, it's terrible." Everyone unconsciously thought of what they saw on the first day of entering the palace. "it's terrible."
"if you ask me, it's better to go to the imperial dining room. There's a lot of delicious food." Said the pair.
", you just know how to eat." Everyone laughed, and the worries and fears about tomorrow dissipated.
Lin Jiabao thought silently before going to bed, hoping that God would bless him, but he must not be assigned to the lower palace of the Prince Hall.

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