The Blame Game (Part 1)

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***The Holy Palatial Gardens***

A couple of days after that dream, there was a significant change in the mood of the people inside the Human Saint's official residence. Although the opening of the Grand Expositions was just around the corner, the jovial spirit had suddenly left the Human Saint and her company, as they were reminded that Kuro's appearance—though a welcome surprise—still remained what it was...a dream.


And no one else could know and verify that reality other than the four saints themselves: Maddie, Ruro, Natasha and Seirna. After all, they were the ones who were with him, and the last to leave Cherflammen.


As such, instead of focusing on organizing the exhibits, they had to postpone their involvement as they wanted to make sense of the events before. After they cut off Cherflammen's connection to the four other worlds, the saints expected that anyone left in that place would be forgotten for eternity. It was not a surprise that those people close to Kuro who were not there during the evacuation had no idea of the fate of their dearest friend, and were wondering why the 'blots', and the dream happened.

"What do you mean you left him?" it was the Beastman queen, Ursura, who blurted out, slamming the table in her anger. "Your Holinesses left the Lord Kuro to fend against all those evils in Cherflammen?"

"Mind your tongue, Lady Ursura," Ruro reminded her. "It's not that we left him on purpose..."

"Ruro," Maddie asked her to give way, "I think it's better that I explain to Her Majesty, and to everyone else here."

"I'm all ears, Your Holiness," Ursura told her, but her voice had a hint of anger, though the monarch tried her best to keep calm. Likewise, the rest of the crowd—all of Kuro's friends and supporters from the three races—listened.

"I understand your feelings, Lady Ursura," the Human Saint began, with an obvious difficulty putting her sentiments into words. "Looking back, if only I tried my best to come back for Kuro, then this will never happen. We did attempt to save everyone—that was his wish, and mine as well. However, our limitations caught up with us, and he..."

Tears welled-up in Maddie's eyes as she took a pause. Pain was written on her face, and she had to breathe deep several times before she continued, "...he sacrificed himself to save me."

All fell silent with that. The atmosphere was heavy, yet no one left the discussion as they wanted to know more about what happened. At that moment, Seirna entered the talk...

"Sheesh! Cut this drama, you fools!" she told them. "This is what the otherworlder wanted! If you really want to appreciate his efforts, then let's stop this blame game, and live. Don't waste his sacrifice to save us!"

"I get your point, Seirna," Natasha countered. "But you can't also keep our friends in the dark for too long. They have to know what really happened."

"With all due respect Your Holiness, Lady Seirna," the King of Nerfes, Simon, backed the Demon Saint, "as the Lord Kuro's friend, I'm concern on the fate of my dear friend, and why we 'forgot' about him for six years."

"The Lord Greg has been a big part of our lives," Princess Noir added. "It's a shame that he did so much, yet we never remembered him. And I think I speak for the rest of these people around you, Your Holinesses. "

"Alright! Alright!" Seirna raised her hands, giving up to the pressure. "I hate to admit it, but the otherworlder, I...I owe my life to him as well."

"I guess we all are," Ruro pointed out. "So, since we're at it, maybe we should start coming to terms with my master's death by apologizing to everyone?"

The Elf Saint is a NEET, so I Forced Her to Work in Another WorldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant