Inheritance and Rewards (Part 1)

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I opened my eyes to the sounds of a commotion happening outside the windows of my rooms. Just as I was about to peek to check, I heard someone knock.

"Milord?" it was Eris, calling out from the other side of the door. "Milord, are you there?"

The urgency in her voice made me rush to the doorknob. Opening it, the young Braunhauer was catching her breath, after she ran all the way from the Saint's Chambers to the guest house where I stayed. After I told her to come in, I reminded her, "Milady, you forgot to call me by my name."

"Oh! I'm sorry," she quickly brushed my comment aside. "But, no time for that! Come with me!" Eris grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the exit. Nevertheless, since I just woke up, it took me some moments before I fully realized what she was doing.

I asked, "Do I have to go now?" I made it clear to her that I was still in my bed clothes, and if we're to meet an important dignitary, it's not the most suitable appearance. Eris agreed to give me time to change to a proper outfit. Well, she did add I should wear a 'formal' attire.

"What's going on?" I put up that question while changing. The young maid sat on my bed, since I won't allow her to dress me, as was the custom of the nobilities of Chersea. "You seemed to be in a hurry, but I can tell it's not an emergency."

"K-Kuro..." there was a hint of awkwardness as Eris tried to call me by my name. "Listen, I know this is hard for you to believe—and even I myself is shocked to learn—but, the ambassador of the Empire of Chersea came by an hour after the long sleep."

"And?" my eyes immediately fell on a nearby hourglass. I think it's only a few minutes past the hour after the long sleep. "Don't tell me they're declaring war on us again?"

"No!" Eris chuckled. "But, uhm...Kuro, whatever did you do to the emperor to impress him that much?"

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"His ambassador, the Prince Vendette, received a message earlier summoning you to the Imperial capital city of Kersea. Apparently, he made you heir to some dead noble's estate."

"Oh?" I was confused whether it was a good event. However, judging from Eris' reaction, I could surmise that it was auspicious.

"No time to explain; I don't know much details either! If anything, it's best that the Prince Vendette would be the one to answer your questions," Eris grabbed my hand once again, and we left my room.


By the time we arrived at Maddie's place (which was just a few blocks away from mine), the Imperial envoy, the Prince Vendette, and my fiancée were in the middle of conversation. Compared to when I last saw them together—which was when Maddie was summoning the emperor to the Holy Congress—the meeting today was amicable. The ambassador was cracking jokes, and Lily and Maddie were laughing.

"Ah! The greatest human hero after the Lady Cassandra David graces us with his presence!" the prince rose from his seat the moment we came into his sight. Much to my bewilderment, he suddenly kneeled before me. Of course, I quickly asked him to stand; I'm a commoner, he's a noble.

"I don't mind paying respects to you, Lord Kuro," he reiterated. "May I remind you, the Lady Cassandra David is also a commoner, yet she's the greatest human hero of our past. And, you see, my admiration for you grew even more when I heard of your exploits and sacrifices just to save and protect us from evil."

"Uh...huh?" Honestly, I was clueless as to how I should answer him, with my eyes falling on Maddie and Lily, both of them standing behind the Imperial ambassador.

The Elf Saint is a NEET, so I Forced Her to Work in Another Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें