Homage (Part 1)

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We sailed to the Empire first thing when we woke up. The journey, which would cause us to take a tram from the palatial gardens to the port village, would take at least about a couple of hours to complete. Good thing Maddie's god-power of healing came in handy, as when my companions got sober, their heads were killing them. So, I cast a healing spell on everyone as we were traveling on the tram that was the personal property of the Human Saint.

Our destination? A port village to the south of the Holy Palatial Gardens named Uirenne.

"T-Thanks, otherworlder," Seirna muttered as the pain in her head dissipated. Then, once she was healed, the Saint of the Flame went back to maintaining her distance...

Yeah, the Saint of the Flame really hates me. Not that I can blame her for how she feels; we met on bad terms, after all.


In any case, while killing time during the travel, I needed to ask Maddie about their wild celebrations yesterday. For some reason, I had a gut feeling that there's some weird machinations going on behind my back...

"Well, yes, your hunches are correct," the Human Saint confirmed. "We did pull some strings to get your efforts recognized. And it was a joint effort; mainly by me and Eris, so if you're going to get mad, then you better get mad at both of us."

I only stared at Maddie and Eris, who was sitting in silence in her spot in the tram, next to the Human Saint. While my request to them was not followed, I did not get angry, honestly. Deep inside, I understood that these ladies only wanted what's best for me, though not necessarily what I knew was best for myself.

"I'm just afraid that...well, besides from the fact that I only did what I have to, there'd be strings attached to the gifts people would give me."

"I totally get you, Kuro," Eris entered the conversation. "After all, my father used to deal with such individuals. They'd give him what seemed to be 'innocent' gifts, then they'd use those to earn favors from him. That's why he became cautious."

"Ah, that's part of human nature," Maddie pointed out. "But, Kuro, I hope you put more trust in me. I can always peek into the hearts and minds of people, and I can tell who's sincere from those with ulterior motives. And if I'm not around, Ruro and Natasha can always help you."

Well, that put my fears at ease, even for it's a bit. I mean, while Maddie could filter out people whose motives were questionable, she and the other saints would never detect those who'd remember they gave gifts to me in their time of great need and would use that as their 'card' to gain favors from the ladies. There's no problem if their needs were legitimate, but what if it's something problematic?

"You worry too much," the Human Saint caressed my face. "Let's cross the bridge when we get there, okay? After all, we're no ordinary women, Kuro. We can take care of ourselves when it comes to worse, so feel free to accept whenever someone gives something or honors you."

I took a deep breath and nodded. Eris and Maddie got up from their beds and embraced me, then I heard the young duchess of Braunhauer say...

"Though, Kuro, if it's a cute daughter of some noble, can you please refuse her? You already have us."


The travel from the Human Saint's residence to the port of the Holy Palatial Gardens was a fast one, owing to the tram service installed years before that connected the palace complex itself to the village of Uirenne that hosted its docks, as well as its newly-formed steam ship navy. I think the biggest problem we encountered was the time it took for Maddie and the other girls to bathe; after all, they stink after their wild party yesterday.

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