Kuro of Arles, Duke of Maverny (Part 2)

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After eating our lunch, the tour around New Elebor began. The village elders showed us their homes, their farms on the outskirts, and how they live off the land.

"Trees here in the human realms don't speak," the Lady Manahad explained. "As such, this place was chosen solely by the previous elders of New Elebor. They are the first-generation settlers of this land, our fathers and mothers."

"What do you mean about the trees that talk, milady?" Her words piqued my interest, for I've seen movies and played games where trees speak and move like humans...especially that fantasy movie about nine people from different races traveling to some volcano to destroy a ring. If anything, I'd like to see a real talking tree!

"It's not 'talking' in a human sense," she chuckled, perhaps amused by my reactions. "We elves can communicate with the hearts of the trees back in Cherwoods. We know its desires, and its conditions. Hence, back in our old land, we can't just build a city based on our whims and benefits; we ask for the trees' permission to allow us to settle with them, and they bless the land."

"Oh..." Well, though it's not what I thought it was, that part was still interesting.

"Likewise..." there was a poignant look on Lady Manahad's face. "We can't just move out when we're in danger. The trees that gave us shelter and food, they're like a family to us. It's painful to leave them to die alone..."

"I...I'm sorry for your loss..."

"Oh no!" the elf tried to smile, in a futile attempt to dissipate the sad atmosphere. "Milord, it's way long ago in the past. We cannot do anything about it now!"

"It's fine," I reassured her. "I also lost friends; all of them are dear to me. But, in any case, let's all live for their memory."

"Yes, I agree with you, milord."

"And for that, I'd like to know the problems here in your village."

"Hm? The what, milord?"

"Problems...? Even the most minor?"

"My apologies, Your Grace," the Lady Manahad chuckled once again. "We appreciate your concerns about us. And really, I don't know what we did right, but we're blessed by a succession of three righteous rulers recently; you, the previous viscount and his mother. You all loved your subjects—I mean, your citizens—like we are your family."

"Ah, thank you!" Hearing those words made me feel like there were butterflies in my stomach. But honestly, I'd like to prove myself first, before I believe their words. I mean, I'm sure they have a favorable bias towards me because everyone in Chersea knows I'm a hero.

"Your Grace, please come with me," the Lady Manahad took my hand and pulled me towards where she wanted me to go with her. "I think you'd like what you'll see next." Then, she winked at me, much to Salis and Eris' shock.


At the middle of the village was a large wooden house, similar to those longhouses seen from the Scandinavian history of my own world. Here in New Elebor, it was the biggest in the settlement. The Lady Manahad, along with some of the village elders, brought me there and asked me to wait by its grand doors.

"I'll send someone to fetch you once it's ready, milord," she told me before disappearing inside.

So, I waited. The population of the village, though it was quite large, followed me everywhere, as if watching my every move. While I felt no hostility, their smiles and murmurs while their village leader and I talked made me a bit uncomfortable. Perhaps with all their attention focused on me, my introverted self was acting up again...

The Elf Saint is a NEET, so I Forced Her to Work in Another WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora