Ides of March (Part 2)

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In the end, the Duchess of Henristone took care of the traveling expenses for the hour train, as proposed by Eris. While the Duchy of Braunhauer was one of the richest noble houses in Chersea, Lady Sylvia's pride as an aristocrat wouldn't accept that her 'guests' would shell out money when they were in her estate. So, they took the 'hour' train in Sekhtem—which leaves on time scheduled compared to the 'quota' train, which was required to fill its passenger capacity first before setting out—to the port city of the Mouth of Calabria.

"My apologies for forcing this on you, Lady Sylvia," Eris said to her host as their train traveled through the Calabrian countryside. "I can always compensate your estate for the expenses incurred on this trip."

"Please don't mention it, Lady Eris," the paladin guard captain replied. "I was of the same thought earlier, though Lady Salis insisted on catching the quota train instead."

"Hey, I'm no nobles like you two," the owl-girl defended herself. "Growing up as a chieftain's daughter of a Cherwindan tribe, I'm fine forgoing the luxuries. I only want my goals done as soon as I can."

"Tama'lee loves the sight of the human kingdoms' countryside," the orc-girl entered the conversation. "She prefers the hour train than the quota train!"

"Quota trains are too stuffy," Nari added.

"Yes, and I think it will ruin Lady Salis' make up once she tussled with the passengers in quota trains!" Eris chuckled.

"Heh, can't help but be excited about meeting the Lord Kuro again, huh?" Lady Henristone commented. "Well, I won't blame you; Lady Salis and Her Holiness have the uncanny resemblance to each other. It's a good thing we really took the hour train to the Mouth of Calabria."

"Can, uh..." the lycanthrope spoke, but her soft voice forced everyone to stop talking to hear her, "...Lady Eris t-teach me...?"

"Oh? You want to learn make up, too?" the Braunhauer duchess' eyes brightened.

"You ladies should leave those small stuff behind while we travel," the owl-girl reminded them. "Look, we're on the road, and we got our important baggage with us. Always be on your guard!"

"You're always so serious, Lady Salis," Lady Henristone chuckled as she gave her a pat on the shoulder, "Come on! For once, you should be kind to yourself and enjoy what surrounds you! Isn't this the purpose of those machines you invented?"

"With the Lord Kuro, yes. We wanted to improve the 'quality' of life for everyone."

"Yes...right," Lady Henristone was taken aback by that. "Wi-with the Lord Kuro, haha!"

"Well, I do enjoy my life, alone," Salis countered.

"Lady Salis, you say you're a scientist, yet you keep on sticking to your routine!" the Braunhauer duchess laughed. "I thought you're always into trying out what's new?"

"Not this kind of 'new'."

"Well, let's see if you can keep up that boring façade," the paladin captain rang a nearby bell. An attendant quickly came to their seats, handing them menus of the onboard food. "Coincidentally," Lady Henristone continued, "I bought tickets for the most luxurious spot on this train! Eat up, miladies!"

"Yey!" the whole group couldn't keep their excitement down as they ordered the best dishes offered.


The 'hour' train where Salis' group rode was composed of three train cars, an open wagon with firewood feeding the locomotive itself, which was the final piece in the series. While this type of transport was 'pricier' than the 'quota' train, there were still designated spots inside the cars that were meant for richer passengers and poorer ones.

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