The Aftermath of the Cosplay Festival (Part 1)

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***The Dupree Palace, six months ago...***

It had been a week since the end of Chersea's first-ever cosplay festival, and its successful conclusion prompted celebrations at the Duke of Maverny's official residence. Also, to bring into light the extensive construction projects within his territory and the improved living standards of the people, the Lord Kuro of Arles invited everyone to this event, from the foreign dignitaries who supported him, to the common folk of his and the neighboring fiefs. At the midst of the party was the Elf Saint, Lady Hinwe Tal-Inwir, showered with praise and compliments for her acclaimed works of literature and art, as well as her cosplay performances. Elvish communities from all the human lands, the beastmen realms, and from the demon republic sent delegations to give respect to her, and ask for her blessings.

"I-It's been an h-h-honor to meet you, Your Holiness!" the elves, especially the young ones, would often get tongue-tied the moment they held hands with the Lady Hinwe. Others would swoon and squeal their hearts out. There was also various stuff being passed around hoping that Her Holiness would touch it. 'Fans' from other races would also join the excited crowd, like the beastmen, since they loved manga-style drawings of the Elf Saint.

Of course, not wishing to disappoint her admirers, the Lady Hinwe allowed herself to be swamped with requests to meet her.

And, just to be safe, Kuro and his guards from the Paladin Corps organized queue lines and scheduled the meet-and-greets, since Her Holiness had to enjoy the celebrations in her honor too.


Like a proud parent watching his child take the spotlight, Kuro stood in the sidelines, taking care not to wrest away the focus from the Lady Hinwe. While Her Holiness dealt with the younger people, he was the one in-charge of entertaining the older admirers and supporters.

The lines waiting to greet the Elf Saint suddenly stirred. Kuro and the paladins with him were surprised at the change of atmosphere, as the kids and teenagers looked back in anger at a group of young ladies passing the queue lines and heading straight to the table where the Lady Hinwe sat.

"Milord," a paladin told him. "Looks like some unruly children trying to bend the rules. Shall we escort them out?"

Kuro, who never liked nobles asserting their perceived 'superiority' over common folk, nodded. "Whoever they are," he commented, "send them back to the end of the line."

At once, the paladins followed and headed to force a resolution on the erring ladies. However, the Lady Hinwe stood up and stopped them. Then, the Elf Saint gestured for Kuro to come and talk to her.

"What's going on, Your Holiness?" the duke asked. "I don't care if they are members of the nobility; they are in my territory, and they have to follow my rules."

"Kuro," the Lady Hinwe whispered, "there's something you need to know."


"Those three..." the Elf Saint chuckled. "They are Maddie, Ruro, and Natasha in disguise!"

Kuro's eyes widened in surprise as he looked back towards the 'young ladies' surrounded by the paladins. "What are you talking about?"

The Lady Hinwe was trying her best to keep from laughing loud, "I don't know why they're doing it, but it's funny!"

Then, one of the ladies broke through the paladin cordon and came near Kuro. "Hey mister! I think Her Holiness told you the truth?"

"Maddie..." the duke heaved a sigh. "What's going on?"

"I'm surprised that you know I'm Maddie," the lady countered.

"You need not tell me, and your blonde hair won't fool my eyes," Kuro replied with a mischievous smirk. "One look at you, and I can already feel the smug attitude. You're definitely the beautiful Madelaine Ann Rubinforth."

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