Hinwe Tal-Inwir (Part 2)

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***The Holy Palatial Gardens, weeks later...***

For six years after the demon people arrived in Chersea, humanity had lived peacefully with them. The human rulers, in agreement with the Demon Saint and the demon king-president, gave the undiscovered lands north of Chersea for the fledgling demon republic. In turn, the demons exported their technology and ideas to the human kingdoms, just like how the Cherwind and Chersea exchanged knowledge as well. At first, it was tumultuous, for there were some who clung to traditions and customs of old. However, the Human Saint kept humanity in line with her pacifistic policies, either by diplomacy or coercion, so that in the end, constitutional monarchies sprang up and spread to every part of the human realm.

And it doesn't end there...

Factories, aided by the Beastmen 'steam engine', appeared throughout Chersea like mushrooms, following the examples of the goblin lords. Steam-powered trains became commonplace, and gradually replaced the carriage and dust paths as the primary mode of transportation for humans. Ship lanes were also established, and with steam ships, the days of travel were greatly reduced...some to just mere hours. Kingdoms that usually took several months to traverse became reachable in a matter of days. Schools were founded and encouraged 'free thought', thus setting off 'scientific discoveries' merged with magic, which further advanced the human, beastmen and demon societies.

Chersea and Cherwind entered an era of prosperity and sophistication.

At the center of it all were the three saints, Lady Madelaine Ann Rubinforth, who spurred the 'peaceful' days of Chersea. Lady Ruro of the Wolf, who guided Cherwind to progress alongside the human realm. Lady Natasha Bellingsen, whose desire for the demons to live in cooperation with humans enabled the 'Chersean Golden Age'.

There were still conflicts, mostly rebellions and petty quarrels, between the nobilities, but those were quickly put down. In retrospect, those were only minor hiccups to an otherwise harmonious age.


So much was the peace and prosperity for everyone, that an idea came to one of Lady Madelaine's advisers one day...

"Your Holiness, I believe we should celebrate and honor your achievements during your rule," the adviser told her. "I mean, eons of war and several generations of saints later, this is the only time that humans and other races finally decided to live in peace."

"Lady Sarasa, while that idea is nice," Lady Madelaine continued on her meal, "I think we should rather spend our public funds and energies on charity work, as my holy office demands."

"Hmm...Your Holiness," it was Lily, "though your dedication to your responsibilities is admirable, I think there's no harm in celebrating success, even if it's only for a while."

"Eh, Lily, let's get real here," the Human Saint countered, "All of this is not possible if not for the help of the other saints. So, if we're going to celebrate, they should do it too!"

"You're just making an excuse, Your Holiness," the Head Maid pointed out, with a sardonic smile.

"I'm not—"

"Oi, Maddie, don't use us as your convenient reason for being a prude!" Out of thin air, the Beastman Saint—along with the Demon Saint and the Saint of the Flame—appeared. "Heh, good thing Natasha saw your plans earlier, so we rushed here."

"Don't lump me with you, losers," Seirna muttered. "Unlike you, I'm actually doing my job in protecting this realm and the others! Why should I come here too? Besides, the humans and demons fear me."

"And I prefer to be left alone in my experiments, Ruro," Natasha added. "I just told you about Maddie's party in one of my visions, that's all."

"Tch, you prudes!" the Wolf Saint defended her actions, "Look, after all the hard work we did to fix Chersea and Cherwind, I believe we deserve some fun, you know? Seirna, we're well aware that everyone hates you, but since you did your share of hard work coercing kings and presidents to abide by the Saint's Peace, I guess it's not bad to take it easy sometimes. And same goes for you, Natasha! Don't hole up in your den; come out and party for a while! Otherwise, you won't meet a hot guy in your whole life!"

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