At the Mouth of Calabria (Part 2)

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The port city of the Mouth of Calabria was strategically placed at the tip of the northern landmass of mainland Chersea. Originally, it was a 'gate city'—a fortified stronghold of the kingdom of Calabria in times of war, as the island kingdoms of Galad, Shent and Hareth had small armies and couldn't be relied upon to defend themselves once an invasion army put up a determined offensive to capture those lands. However, in the time of the 'Saint's Peace', the city grew into a bustling port city as she was now, because of its proximity to the border crossings to Equality (the land of the dwarves) and Cherwoods (the realm of the elves).

So, aside from the Calabrian capital of Sekhtem, the Holy Palatial Gardens maintained a consular office in that part of the eastern kingdom. The reason was simple; for easier processing of the papers of elves and dwarves trying to visit the Human Saint's grand residence and cathedral. Of course, as the head of the security detail of Her Holiness the Lady Madelaine, Lady Sylvia Henristone was in-charge of providing the paladin guards for the consulate, and their group had no problems gaining access to the facility once they appeared at its gates.

"Lady Henristone, I bid you welcome!" the consul, an aristocrat named Lady Darabelle, Marquise of Curzon, herself greeted the new arrivals. "What brings you here to this part of Calabria at this hour?"

"Milady," the paladin captain curtsied, which was followed by her entourage, "we come from the Holy Palatial Gardens, on our way to the border crossing of Chersea and Cherwoods. My companions would like to seek accommodations for the long sleep before we travel to our destination tomorrow."

"Ah!" the consul exclaimed when she noticed the three elves behind the duchess. "Erm...forgive me for asking, but those elves are with you?"

"Yes, milady, but please don't ask for their identities."

"I...I see..." Lady Curzon forced out a smile, though she asked, "...if it's alright—and I won't force you to give me her name, that elf lady with a big hat, is she an Elf Lord?"

"You can say she's someone like that, or something similar..."



"Er..." the consul then turned to one of the paladin guards nearby, "Can you please get their baggage and lead them to their rooms?" At once, the paladins followed her orders, before the Lady Curzon turned to Lady Henristone and whispered, "Milady, if it's alright with you, can you and that elf lady talk to me for a moment?"

The paladin captain suspected something was amiss, so she glanced at the Elf Saint and her guard, "Lady Curzon, that elf guy with us is her guard. Can we bring him along?"

"Oh? Sure! I think he needs to know this since it's pretty much about his mistress' safety, after all."


The consul led the Duchess of Henristone, Lady Hinwe and Gerard to an inner room of the consulate office. One look at the area, and the three already made a conclusion that what the diplomat was about to tell them was something not meant for other ears. The Lady Curzon went past the two paladins guarding the hallway, knocked two times at the heavy oak door, and then entered.

"Ah! The paladins roused from my sleep—" The person inside stopped once she saw the newcomers, led by Lady Henristone. Likewise, the paladin captain smiled once she saw the individual who waited for them in that inner room.

"Lady Malvette!" she exclaimed, "I didn't know you're here!"

The former First Admiral of the Kingdom of Cherwind, as well as its current ambassador to Cherwoods, Lady Jeanne, Duchess of Malvette, rose from her seat and exchanged pleasantries with Lady Henristone. "Well, it's a good thing you're here, milady," the Cherwind diplomat told her, "I think you should know..."

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