Admission (Part 2)

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As a literate elf, Hinwe not only endeavored to help her people through the god-powers. She recognized that, while the demons had been their worst enemies during the Human-Demon wars, their huge steps to progress as a society made them overtake even the humans—favored by the Lord Gaius. Under the guidance of the hero, Cassandra David, and later, her successor, the first Demon Saint, Natasha Bellingsen, the demon people received the first standardized education system in all of Chersea and the Other Realms.

And Hinwe seeks to do this to the elves as well.

But there were opposition to her plans.

"Your Holiness, while we do not disagree with your goals of giving our people the ability to read and write," an elf lord told her during one of the 'councils' she held before. "We do not see the need for us and our children to be literate. For us, we are contented to know how to tame the ancient forests of Cherwoods; to plant seeds, and make them grow for us to eat, and as offerings to your benevolence!"

"Surely, that is desirable," Hinwe countered him. "But, it's not all the time we can pass what we know to our children through songs and music. There will be an age where bards will eventually stop singing, and wandering. And the knowledge we possess—as well as those we can learn—will only be written in books."

"Milady," another elf lord had a smile on her creased face. "While we appreciate your concern for the future of our people, your youth and inexperience made you turn from our present needs. The forests of Cherwoods stood the test of time, and will always be with us. However, food is always in constant want, and we have to give priority in producing those...instead of wasting our efforts in academic pursuits."

"I..." the Elf Saint wanted to defend her points. But as she could see into the hearts of those around her, Hinwe knew that no matter how much she'd explain, their minds were already focused on rejecting her proposals. The elves preferred they stay illiterate and live off the blessing of their lands, than focus on their society's future, which was 'trivial' in their perspective.

It led for the Elf Saint to shelve her ideas. In her mind, she never thought that those attitudes would be forever; the elves would be ready for education someday...


So, generations passed and new elf cities were built. Lady Hinwe's plans to give her people an education system similar to those of the demons in the Conclave gathered dust on the shelves of her tree palace. Even Her Holiness herself forgotten its existence. However, the elves never forgot the benevolence of their saint...

"Your Holiness," a servant came to her, just as Lady Hinwe was about to eat her lunch. "A delegation from the city of Ophir just arrived. They are asking for an audience with you, regarding their problems about the farms around their settlements."

"Oh...?" she brought down the spoon she held. "Lead me to them."

"Your Holiness, the people from Elebor requests a new water golem for their lands..."

"Your Holiness, the fishers from Fenrelin seeks your help about their fish cages..."

"Your Holiness, the farmers of Rodimm wants your attention to the plight. This is about the advancing sands at the frontier regions..."

By the start of the long sleep, the Lady Hinwe could barely drag herself to her room. Exhausted to even change into her sleeping wardrobe, which required a huge effort from her, she just let her tired body fall on the bed. Her personal maidservant, Ulve (the mother of Meanor) took charge of changing her clothes.

"Good work, Y-Your Holiness," the servant greeted her, though Ulve was careful of helping her mistress. Lady Hinwe complained her body was aching ever since entering the bedroom.

The Elf Saint is a NEET, so I Forced Her to Work in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now