Revelations (Part 2)

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***Somewhere in Chersea***

Seirna Stephanie was a saint not used to rowdy crowds. If she could help it, she would stay far, usually in the far corner of the room whenever there's a party. And it was no different this time. Avoiding the 'cosplay festival' the otherworlder proposed, she was fortunate to have her spymaster, Umberto Benicci, asked to meet with her.

At least, she has a convenient alibi to leave...

The Saint of the Flame arrived early at the place they agreed to rendezvous. While she expected for Umberto to appear late, she was surprised to find him already waiting.

"Your Holiness," the spymaster gave his respects.

"What's going on, Umberto?" Seirna asked. "What happened to your spy?"

"Cerdan hasn't given us an update for three weeks now," he explained. "I'm worried that he is compromised after sending this report." He pulled a letter from his breast pocket and handed it to Seirna.

The Saint of the Flame, upon reading its contents was visibly shaken and pale. "Umberto," she told him. "We should head to Cherwoods right not."

"H-Ha?" the spymaster was taken aback. "You mean, right now? I'm not ready, Your Holiness! I did not even bring weapons!"

Seirna uttered a spell and pulled a sword from her hand, then gave it to him. "You think that'll be enough to defend yourself?"

"I could use some guns," Umberto examined his new weapon. "But I can make this work, I guess."

"Then, let's go!"

"Wait, what's happening, Your Holiness?" the spymaster demanded. "As your servant, I'd like to know if there's anything we should expect when we arrive, so I can prepare countermeasures. We also have to inform the otherworlder of the problems."

"Fine. You read the letter?"


"That's no ordinary smoke," Seirna muttered. "It must be the miasma of the Seductress!"

"H-Huh? But I thought the saints sealed—"

"I don't know as well, Umberto!" she snapped. "The otherworlder told the Lady Rubinforth about it last time; that someone warned him in a vision about the Seductress' escape from Cherflammen, and her return!"

"You didn't consider it might be just some weird dream?"

Seirna stared at him, as if he said something ridiculous. "I think you're missing the point, Umberto."

"Missing what, Your Holiness?"

"Ever since the otherworlder was kissed by the Lady Natasha Bellingsen, he is now in possession of the Demon Saint's god-powers. He will never dream of random events anymore! That is this world's—and the other realms—future!"

It took a few moments before Seirna's words sank in Umberto's thoughts. Like his mistress, his face went pale as well, horrified at the thought that the ancient evil the Lord Gaius, Seirna, Cassandra David and even Kuro—at the cost of his life, tried to defeat would make a return once more...


***The Holy Palatial Gardens, after the first day of the Cosplay Festival...***

After the 'grand finale' at the end of the first day of the Cosplay Festival, a lot of people swamped the backstage, all wanted to have a glance or a chat with the Elf Saint. While the Lady Hinwe allowed a few to come near her, the sheer number of individuals prompted the Paladin Guards to deny access to her; not only would it be a security risk, Her Lazy Holiness was already tired from all the activities she attended.

The Elf Saint is a NEET, so I Forced Her to Work in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now