Start of a Journey (Part 2)

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***The Holy Palatial Gardens***

"Alright. Though we are not sure if this man in Cherwoods is the real 'Kuro of Arles', it's definitely a lead," Salis took the notes she wrote based on Eris' words, and kept it on one of her dress' breast pockets. "All that's left is to see with my own eyes whether this is true."

"When are you leaving?" Eris asked.

"Why do you care?" the owl-girl countered. "It's not like we're confined to our accommodations for the rest of the exhibits."

"You're not," the young maid confirmed. "However, I need to tell Her Holiness that I won't be working for several days, or weeks, or possibly even months! Not to mention, you're under the responsibility of the Beastman Queen, Lady Ursura. If you suddenly disappeared without clear whereabouts, I'm sure your mother will worry!"

"Oi, I'm fine with you informing the others about my departure, but let me be clear—I'd like to journey alone."

"Well, if we're not of the same goal, I'll travel alone, too."

"Tsk. Now, now, don't be so hasty in your decisions, Lady Braunhauer," Salis explained. "See, I'm a Beastman. A member of the Owl tribe, thus, you can say that I'm used to a rough life. In contrast, one look at your delicate features and I can tell your body is not suited for long journeys."

"What? Are you telling me we're going to climb mountains? Scale steep cliff sides? Travel through the unexplored countryside?"

"I don't know. Even as I'm a genius, there's always an element of unpredictability when one travels, so why ask?"

"And do you even know the way to Cherwoods and the Saint's Tree palace?"

The owl-girl had no answer for that. Though it hurt her pride to do so, Salis had to admit her shortcomings. However, she deflected the embarrassment by returning the question, "Well, do you?"

"No," Eris' confidence never wavered. "But since we both have no idea what road to take and direction to go, we need maps. And those maps are on the shelves of the bookshelves in the library here. It just so happens that as a maid in-charge of cleaning that place occasionally, I have access to its keys."

"Can't you just lend me a map and remain here? You're only going to hinder me in my travels."

The young maid shook her head, "I thought you're already aware of this, but, I guess you need to be reminded again, milady. You're not the only one who loves the Lord Kuro. And as one of the few who still cling to that small glimmer of hope that he's alive and well, I want to be the first to welcome him back. Or, if that guy in Cherwoods is a fake, condemn him for disrespecting the man who captured our hearts."

Salis could only stare at Eris as the young maid talked about her reasons. Weighing on her options, the owl-girl still had her apprehensions. However, Eris, aware that she's about to convince Salis, added,

"While I can't travel that far from one point to another, I can help you with food, washing clothes, and other domestic matters. Besides, do you even know the meaning of my name, Braunhauer?"

The owl-girl shook her head.

"First, the House of Braunhauer is one of the richest noble houses in Chersea. After my parents died, I inherited their wealth, which is managed by my second mother back in our estate. Even when I donated a huge part of my fortunes to Her Holiness the Human Saint, I can still buy a castle or two with the money I currently have with me (and excluding the total wealth of my house). Second, before the Saint's Peace, we run the biggest mercenary companies in Amaranth. It's not a surprise that we can meet some of our old people in every Chersean city, which in turn, can help us in our travels."

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