A Gift from the High King of the Gods (Part 1)

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***The Heavenly Realms, some time in the past...***

For quite a while now after he gained consciousness, Greg Santos—no, Kuro's spirit had been wandering around the white, swirling, fluffy clouds that surrounded him. Contrary to what he was led to believe when he was still on Earth, there were no angels that welcomed him in heaven. No 'tribunals' either, so he didn't know if this 'isolation' he was experiencing was the 'real' hell, or if he was still awaiting judgment for his deeds when he was still a mortal.


Kuro had no idea for how long he had been there. All that he could remember was the gloomy, dark, and lonely feelings he had as life slowly slipped from his physical body, lying fatally injured in Cherflammen. He was pretty sure, however, that his friends in Chersea and the Other Realms have forgotten about him. And the love of his life, Maddie, probably found the man meant to make her happy.

It also might be, that she's already has a child by now...that baby he saw in his visions.

Being there, walking around the heavens, was a pleasant experience. Kuro felt like his body was as light as a feather, and though, he wanted to be sad, the happy feelings kept on coming back to him. However, though he's happy and relieved that his loved ones were safe in his previous world, a faint hint of bitterness remained in his heart. Deep inside, he wished it was him who were beside them. Deep inside, he wished to see his children with the people he loved...

Deep inside, he's questioning the wisdom of his decision to stay behind in Cherflammen, only to die by Gaius' hands.


But he knew he couldn't go back in his decision. Besides, if Kuro never sacrificed himself, all of them were dead by now.

Still, does it have to be this way? Is his life made to exist only to be sacrificed for others? Can't he be a little selfish for once?

"I won't call it being 'selfish', you know?"

Kuro's heart nearly skipped a beat when he heard a familiar, gentle voice speak from somewhere. When he noticed someone standing from his peripheral vision, he turned, only to see that bearded person he played a little game of chess before. The human blurted out, "God?"


Just like when he first met the High King of the Gods, the deity kept on pulling out furniture and snacks from weird and random places, impressing and freaking Kuro at the same time. His 'homely' air, and soothing voice calmed the human's bitterness, all the while they talked over two mugs of hot coffee.

"Cream?" God asked him.

"Y-Yes, Lord," Kuro replied. "Lots of cream, if you please..."

"No problem! Feel free to say your wishes," He brought out a cream jar from the air, and put several spoons on the human's mug. "That's enough for you?"

Kuro nodded and gave his thanks. Then, he took his first sip as the High King spoke.

"Kuro, what's happening to you isn't because of selfishness. If anything, we can summarize it as you asking for what you need."

"My needs? You mean like, Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?"

God nodded. "Do you want to? We can request Dr. Maslow's spirit to appear and explain matters to us."

Kuro laughed and shook his head. "I'd rather hear Your wisdom, Lord. I think we're closer than Dr. Maslow; we've played chess before, right?"

"Hm...who says you're a stranger to Me before?" the High King chuckled. "I always welcome those who call to Me, and treat them as My children."

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