A Gift from the High King of the Gods (Part 2)

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***The 'Eternal Holiness', flagship of the elvish galley fleet...***

The commander of the Life Guards' fleet blockading the portal of Cherwoods, Lord Ninier of Dorian, watched the trapped steam ships as his soldiers from the reinforcing galleys overwhelmed their enemies. However, even when they already surrounded the Chersean flotilla, its defenders would not back down, nor surrender.

Proof of that is the activated magic barrier.

The frustrated companies of elves rained arrows and magic spells on the steam ships, in an effort to exhaust the casters of the barriers. However, once the shields were lifted...

"They're shooting at us from afar!"

"Their bullets are passing through the wood! Get some thick cover!"

"Help! Help! The captain is bleeding!"

In this way, several attempts to board the ice-bound vessels ended in bloody failures. While the crews of the human ships were hopelessly outnumbered, their tactics and equipment were wreaking havoc among the elvish forces. The Lord Ninier suddenly remembered a mysterious figure from way back his past. That person offered his soldiers 'demon weapons' that could shoot accurately and with more range than their standard bows and arrows. But, his commander—the Lord Eldarv—refused it, as it was made by the demons...which were their sworn enemies.

"The elves will never bow down to other races!" the Lord Eldarv declared back then. "It's either our traditions, or we die!"

And now, they're suffering for this stubborn belief. Aside from those injured and died in the galleys that were sunk, or peppered with raking fire, the elves' casualties were growing each time they mount an assault at the trapped ships, with their enemies turning it into a formidable fortress.

A lot of good elves lost their lives this time...


Shaking his head in disbelief, the elf naval commander called an orderly. "Send someone to the galleys attacking the Chersean ships. Tell them to retreat, but don't let our enemies escape."

Just as the orderly was about to leave, however, a powerful gale suddenly blew from the northerly direction of Cherwoods, causing the gentle waters of the Gulf to turn violent. Much to the elves' shock and terror, black clouds gathered above their battle site at an alarming rate; even the most experienced of their seafarers didn't see something like that in their lives up to the present. Soon, combined with the rough seas, flashes of lightning and peals of thunder made its presence known, with some of the elf ships struck and burned.

The Lord Ninier couldn't believe what he was witnessing. His fleet was being decimated right before his eyes by a freak weather phenomenon. It's as if it was the god-powers of the Beastman Saint manifesting...

A lieutenant called his attention and pointed towards one of the steam ships, "Sire, look!"

"!!!" All the elves—from the lowest of the soldiers, to the highest of the officers—were terrified to witness a small, yet bright golden-yellow light emanating from the ship named 'Hagena'...the sure sign of the god-powers of the Beastman Saint. And much to their consternation was the sight of the person wielding that 'god-power': a man, with black hair and round ears...a human.

"Th-This is..." the Lord Ninier could only mutter. "...impossible!"

Then, the human turned his gaze in the direction of the elf fleet's flagship—the vessel of the Lord Ninier himself. From their spyglasses, the elves saw his smirk, as if mocking them for their folly of trying to resist him. The human, standing on the deck of 'Hagena', raised his hand to the dark, swirling clouds, shooting the golden-yellow light from his hands and into the heavens.

The Elf Saint is a NEET, so I Forced Her to Work in Another WorldOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant