The Scheme of the Duchess of Braunhauer (Side Chapter)

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***In some room somewhere in the Holy Palatial Gardens...***

Eris, the Duchess of Braunhauer, was the personal maid assigned by Her Holiness the Human Saint to serve the needs of the Lord Kuro of Arles. Her appointment dates back to the early days of the Imperial War, way past the first dates of the Chersean calendar as one of the privileges of the otherworlder becoming the 'captain' of the Paladin Guards Corps. While the Lady Madelaine Ann Rubinforth officially 'assigned' her to the position, it was actually the Lady Eris' request, in exchange for her financial support for the Holy Coalition.

As such, the duchess did her duties to the Lord Kuro with utmost zeal and enthusiasm. And it was no different, the 'before' and the 'now'. Whenever her beloved 'master' needed help, she would move people in order to get things done for him.

After all, with the vast wealth of the Duchy of Braunhauer, all it took was a few silver or gold coins, an occasional sweet smile and fragrant words, and everyone would do what the Lady Eris' desires.


Inside that room were eleven figures, aside from the Duchess of Braunhauer. Seated on the most prominent spot on the round table at the middle was the Human Saint herself, flanked by her head maid, Lilyhaven Tamriel von Leese, and the paladin captain, Sylvia Henristone. To her left was the Beastman Saint, Ruro of the Wolf, and to her right was the Demon Saint, Natasha Bellingsen. The other three people seated were the Queen of Cherwind, Ursura of the Beastmen, the demon lord president of the Federal Demon Republic, Prince Hurion Devras, and the King of Nerfes, Simon Hugh Reed. The rest were either standing by the window, as was the case of the Saint of the Flame, Seirna Stephanie, or sitting by the sofa on the side, which was occupied by Queen of Amaranth, Jessica von Albert, and the Chancellor of Calabria, Sir Dane Bellingstein.

"I think everyone whom I invited is here?" Eris asked just to be sure.

"Yes," Maddie answered her.

"Correction," Seirna countered. "Lady Natasha and Ruro just pulled me here."

"You can always leave whenever you want," the wolf saint teased.

"Ahem. Since I'm already here, I'll see it through the end," the Saint of the Flame replied.

"Alright then," Lily took charge. "Before we get distracted by our banters, Lady Eris, may we know why you and Her Holiness the Lady Madelaine called us here?"

As if on cue, everyone in the room went silent as they waited for the young maid to speak. Eris took a deep breath and said, "Yesterday, the Lord Kuro was nearly mobbed and arrested by the Arles militia."

"What?!" Simon, Ursura, Hurion, Ruro and Natasha rose from their seats in indignation. However, Lily and Sylvia calmed them down.

"The Lord Kuro was looking for work, and a shop owner in Arles initially suspected him for impersonating himself, and created a scene," Maddie explained. "Then, the Arles militia thought he's some shady character and nearly arrested him."

"And who's going to mob him?" Jessica asked.

"The neighbors of the shop owner the Lord Kuro was talking to," Eris answered. "In their defense, they also thought of him as some bad guy, and they rose to defend their friend."

"And what did the Lord Kuro do? This is an outright disrespect for him!" Sir Dane exclaimed.

" know his character, Lord Bellingstein," the Braunhauer duchess had an awkward smile on her lips. "As usual, he just let it go, and came back to his room. We only got to know of this issue because the Arles militia and the Baron of Arles sent a representative to formally apologize for the incident."

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