The Aftermath of the Cosplay Festival (Part 2)

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Of course, in every aftermath of any successful occasion came the time of reckoning. Dirty plates and glasses lying around. The green courtyard of the palace filled with litter. And the worst part of all, dead drunks lying on the ground and the palace floors now and then. As someone who never hired an army of maids because of cost-cutting measures in his household, the Duke of Maverny was forced to take part in the laborious 'after-party' clean-up of his palace. Fortunately, he was aided in this part with the paladins sent to guard him, and his personal secretary and chamberlain, the Duchess of Braunhauer, Eris.

"Careful with her," Kuro would remind the young maid occasionally, as they dragged the Elf Saint to her private chamber.

"I told you elves are weak to alcohol," she quipped. "And you know, it's still a mystery to me why these guys love it when they're lightweights."

"Beats me," the duke tried his best to maintain his balance, for the Lady Hinwe was so tipsy. "I did tell this elf lady to tone down on the wine, but she and Meanor wouldn't listen!"

"Wine ish gooooood," the Elf Saint retorted.

"Next time you get drunk, I'll leave you where you fell down," he threatened. "It's difficult to carry you to your room when you're this rowdy, you know?"

Eris chuckled as she watched them trade banters, and Kuro desperately tried to keep the Elf Saint from falling.

"Come on! You're a better man than that!" the Lady Hinwe burst in laughter as she put more of her body weight on the duke. "You shouldn't let a drunk lady walk! Carry me, human!"

"How about I drag you instead?"

The chaotic, yet amicable exchange between the human lord and the Elf Saint continued for a while, until they finally reached the doors of the holy lady's chambers. As Her Lazy Holiness won't stop bothering Kuro, he handed the keys to Eris, who opened it for them. Without delay, the duke dumped the Elf Saint on her bed, and he fell to his knees, trying to catch his breaths.

"Here, milord," the Braunhauer duchess brought out a towel from her apron. "Let me wipe your face with this."

"Thanks Eris!" Kuro stretched his arms and back after the ordeal.

"Want some cold water?" she offered. "And would you want me to tell the Lady Meanor to stop drinking wine as well? I think I saw her with some nobles holding a drinking contest earlier."

"H-Hah?" the duke's eyes widened in surprise. "That elf's a lightweight and she's competing with certified drunks? Cut her loose! And yes, can I have some water?"

"No problem," Eris winked at him. "Just stay put; I'll get you some cold drink."

Kuro, as he waited for the Braunhauer maid to return, took his time to rest at the Elf Saint's bedside. Dragging the Lady Hinwe—a young adult elf lady with a well-endowed figure—was no easy task, especially when she's intoxicated and thrashed around.


"!!!" The duke felt the Lady Hinwe's arms go around his neck, effectively trapping him on his spot.

"!!!" The duke felt the Lady Hinwe's arms go around his neck, effectively trapping him on his spot

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The Elf Saint is a NEET, so I Forced Her to Work in Another WorldWhere stories live. Discover now