Prepping Up the Ships (Side Chapter)

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"Lady Salis, can I ask you to fly a message to the Duke of Shent?"

The owl-girl, who was in the middle of reading a book, stared back at Gerard. She never wanted to move from where she was lying, but the elf guard was persistent.

"I wanted to prepare the ships before we arrive in Cherwoods," he kept on saying.

"What for?"

Gerard heaved a sigh and told her, "Are you not really aware of the elves?"

"You guys got...erm...long ears?"

"Look, we don't have much time left before we reach the end of the crossing," the elf guard sat beside her and explained. "The elves can hit their enemies with deadly precision. Even if they are armed with bows, which limited their range, they can still kill us with improper preparations."

" got a point, Mister Elf."

"I'm an elf myself, go figure."

Salis chuckled and sat up, "Well, what should I tell the other ship?"

"That I recommend we seal the gun ports and the deck bridge with makeshift armor, like a wooden plank for example. While a curtain is enough to disrupt an elf's line of sight, I'm afraid their arrows will pass through the barriers and still hit someone hiding behind the 'soft armor' such as curtains and blankets."

"Not to mention, those are easily flammable, should they decide to burn us. Unlike the wooden planks, which will give us time to chant spells to extinguish the fire before it completely burns."

"You're right on that one, Miss Genius."

Salis was surprised at the elf's words, and she had to hide her blushing cheeks from him.

However, Gerard was quick to notice her, "I didn't mean anything special behind that, so don't fall for me, Miss Genius."

The owl-girl answered his teasing with a middle finger. The elf laughed, but stopped his jokes.

"Anyway, yes, we have to plug every hole in the ships large enough for arrows to get in," Gerard continued his explanation. "If ever the fight erupts, the gun crews, and the engineers will go below the decks for protection. The only ones to remain at the ships' bridges are the captains, and the crews assigned on the ship wheels, including me...I'll be defending our fleet from there. The gun ports are to be closed, though not locked because we'll be shooting the elvish galleys once they stop raining us with arrows. The ship lieutenants should assign someone who'd chant magic barrier spells to protect the ships during the reloading of the cannons, then lift the shields once the artillery are ready."

"Got it."

"Also, once the battle begins, you ladies will head down the decks as well. No exceptions."

"But we can fight—"

"I'm not doubting your abilities and bravery, Lady Salis," the elf reiterated. "However, once you're dead from a precise elven arrow to your head or heart, your skills and courage will be useless. Lady Braunhauer claimed earlier that I care for you? Well, yes. You ladies helped us, after a lot of ways than you think. And I'd like to return the favor."

Salis said nothing, save for a light nod. Then, Gerard tapped her shoulders.

"Please send my message; our time is limited. Thanks!"


Acting upon Gerard's instructions, the crews began to prepare the ships for a possible encounter with the elvish fleet on the other side of the crossing. Spare wooden planks—meant for onboard ship repairs—were brought out and nailed to seal the holes of the vessels, from its deck windows, to other ports—like the ones for rigging. For the bridges, though the windows were covered by glass windshields, they reinforced it with wood as well. The only part that wasn't covered were the front panes, so that the ship pilots could still navigate the vessel's path.

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