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It was the next morning and I was in bed my hand was stitched up and I felt sick I ran to the bathroom throwing up and Justin held my hair back.

J- it's ok princess let it out.

I threw up and he wiped my mouth he set me on the counter and helped me brush my teeth.

J- how's your hand?

"It ok now."

Justin hugged me and kissed me.

J- how come you threw up?

"I don't know I didn't eat anything."

J- do you think...

"It's a possibility since I hadn't took my pill and we had sex the day before."

J- Okey um what do I do?

"Well I need a pregnancy test."

J- Okey hold on.

Justin looked in the bottom draw and pulled one out he gave me a plastic cup and stepped out I peed in the cup and he came back in.

J- now what?

"Well I put the tester in the cup for 10 seconds"

He nodded and took it from me I smiled and he excitingly counted.

J- fuck I'm so excited

"I can tell now put the blue cap back on and flip it downwards and we wait 15 minutes."

He nodded and did so.

J- I will protect you ok I'm sorry about yesterday.

"It's not your fault baby it's fine its stiched up it's gonna heal soon it doesn't hurt don't worry."

He brought me in by my waist and kissed me the 15 minutes where done and we walked up to it.

" Okey I'll look first then I'll tell you."

He smiled and I picked it up I looked at it and I signed putting my head down.

J- what what is it!

I shook my head no.


he yelled and pulled me in by my waist and hugged me he kept jumping every where and spun me around


I smiled and we hugged for awhile he got on his knees and raised my shirt he pecked my stomach and spoke.

J- ill protect you and your mommy forever little one.

I smiled and he placed his hand on my stomach he stood up and smiled

J- I can't believe it.

"I know it's incredible!"

J- great that means I can't fuck you for 9 months...

I laughed and he smiled.

J- that's gunna be hard for me but I'll just get you pregnant right after we get home from the hospital with the baby.

"Wow wow slow down mister Phan."

He laughed and we went to bed we laid down and watched another fifty shades movie.

y/n phanWhere stories live. Discover now