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We finally got to the office and Justin tapped my legs signaling to open the door I got off and he put his arm around my shoulder as we walked in we took the elevator up and I was in a skirt with a black long-sleeved shirt and some heels we walked in and sat down we had taken all the Boys to kbbq since this was a meeting for regie Ryan and Justin anyway Justin pulled a chair out for me pushing it in slightly he sat next to me kissing my lips once more before someone who I definitely don't know walked in.

?- hello sir so I heard your gunna need some guns.

Regie- alot of them.

?- the reason why?

Jp- I already told you we don't need to repeat ourselves.

?- you want the guns don't you.

Ry- fine.

Justin rolled his eyes I felt his hand slide to my legs bringing them up onto his lap I admired him as ryan spoke.

Ry- we need guns because the biggest Russian mafia is after us.

?- ok well I'll have my guys deliver them to you it's gunna cost you though.

Regie- how much.

Justin placed his hand on my upper thigh his fingers rubbing against my inner thigh I looked at Justin to see he was already looking at me we have a code 143 Justin signaled to me under the table the code means "I love you" I looked back up at him before signaling the code he smirked leaning down to talk in my ear.

Jp- I know you do.

He smirked and I leaned in Ryan still speaking and telling them what they were gunna need.

Y/n- and what if I don't.

Jp- then I'll just have to fuck you to remind you.

Y/n- hm what's in it for me.

Jp- everything baby.

I laughed quietly and Justin smirked but our moment got completely ruined by the person.

?- is there something you need to share?

At this point I was tired of the way the person was talking to justin.

Y/n- yea you can fucking mind your own business but if you really need to know Justin will tell you.

I crossed my arms Ryan and regie were red from holding in there laughs.

?- well since you guys feel the need to interrupt the conversation then yes.

Btw this was a lady so that made me more pissed then what I was originally.

Jp- alr whatever I'll tell you I said I was going to fuck y/n.

?- oh I um...

Ryan bursted out laughing and regie right behind.

Y/n- what wrong didn't you want to know?

?- oh I um sorry y/n.

Justin- you can call her by her soon to be last name thank you.

?- oh uh yes sorry miss phan.

Y/n- bitch... I mumbled and Justin continued to lightly drag his hand on my inner thigh.

Ryan- I don't think we should go through with the deal.

Ryan and regie got up walking out and Justin stood up and I stood up he interwinend our fingers and we start walking I saw her turn around and lightly drag her hand across Justin's arm and I had it I let go of Justin's hand and walked up to her smacking her.

?- are you serious!?

Justin stood there with his arms crossed leaning on the door way.

Y/n- touch my husband one more time I dare you whore.

?- I'm sorry ma'am.

Y/n- I'm sure you are.

I pushed her back and continued to walk to justin we walked out and Justin brought me in by my waist he kissed my lips as if this was his way of saying good job. We walked downstairs to be met by regie and Ryan in the car we got into the back and Justin leaned over me putting my seatbelt on then his regie dropped us off at the hotel and we walked to our room when we got there Justin brought my hand into his and we walked into our room he slightly pushed me down so I would sit on the bed he took my heels off before removing his black tie he had on he walked up to me he leaned down kissing me with so much love.

Jp- I love you so much baby.

Y/n-  I love you.

Tomorrow was valentines so I wasn't expecting Justin to ask me to be his valentine anymore but I guess I have low expectations I looked into his eyes and he spoke.

Jp- be my valentine?

Y/n- I didn't think you would ask..

Jp- why not?

Y/n- well I don't really know I guess I just didn't expect you to.

Jp- just cause we're getting married I don't want you to not have those experiences baby you deserve the world.

I smiled before bringing him down by the back of his neck he layed beside me looking into eachothers eyes.

Y/n- when did you know.

Jp- know what baby

Y/n- when did you know I was the one you wanted.

Jp- since I saw you joking around with Darren in the hallway.

Y/n- do you remember the date.

Jp- mhm the 12 of March

Y/n- how come you waited 2 years to ask me?

Jp- i was nervous I thought you were beautiful none of the other girls mattered to me at that moment and till this day they still don't.

I pecked his lips and we got up and got changed into pj's well Justin just put shorts on but I put on a lace pajama set we got underneath the covers and i rested my head up to Justin's chest.

Jp- when did you know.

Y/n- way before you did I saw you walk into class everyday.

Justin slightly laughed and I looked up he pecked my lips and we fell asleep Justin's hand still on my waist for the entire night.

y/n phanWhere stories live. Discover now