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I woke up to Justin on the phone I sat up and adjusted my hair since it was in my face.

Justin- ok,well be down in 45 minutes have a car ready.

Justin hung up and walked over to me with a suit on he sat infront of me and looked at me.

Justin- how'd you sleep?

Y/n- mm ok.

Justin- you do know things will be different now right baby.

I nodded understanding.

Justin- you will most likely see me in suits most of the time and ill have alot of meetings your always welcome to come I want to talk to you about something later aswell but for now why don't you get ready I've got a meeting and I think it's best you come.

Y/n- ok.

Justin kissed me and got up and walked out I got up and walked to the bathroom to shower. When I got in there I remembered that this isn't the nsb house this is....a apartment but luxury I got in the shower and started washing my hair thinking about what Justin said.

~you do know things will be different now right baby~

I knew things would be different and that was a risk I was willing to take although I do hope that we still go out and cuddle and do all the things we would. I finished my shower and walked out to a outfit placed on the bed.

~xoxo guess who~

I smiled and changed I finished getting ready my hand still wrapped in the bandage the outfit was a blue dress alittle higher then knee length with a pair of black heels after I finished I walked out of the room to be met by a body guard who happened to be a women.

(BG will stand for the obvious body guard)

BG- hi ma'am my name is Ana I'll be your personal body guard. She said smiling at me.

Y/n- so like you will follow me everywhere?

Bg- yup I'll protect you and make sure not one thing hurts you while your fiance is away.

Y/n- ok.

Bg- I know how hard it must be for you y/n but trust me I'm here for you ill also be your assistant so anything you need I will help you with ok I'm not here to hurt you ok.

Y/n- thank you it's a relief that I have someone other then random body guards by my side.

Bg- I understand honey but how about I make you a tea or coffee and then we can get you to the car with your wonderful fiance ok.

I smiled and nodded. We walked to the kitchen and she handed me a coat and my purse and a coffee I drank the coffee and she smiled and took the glass washing it then we walked to a elevator to the bottom floor were we stopped to be met by justin by a rolls royce in the color black with red rims which I of course knew was his he walked up to me grabbed my hand pulling me in by my waist then kissing me I smiled and he brought me in for a hug his arms just over my shoulders I wrapped mine around his waist Justin then spoke.

Justin- follow us don't lose sight.

Body guards- yes sir.

They all walked to there Cadillacs and Justin kissed  my forehead.

Justin- you ok.

Y/n- yea I'm ok.

Justin then walked to the other side and got in I was quiet surprised because usually Justin opens the door for me but I shook it off we got in the car and I put my seat belt on Justin aswell and he sped off and looked at me and smirked.

Y/n- why the look?

Justin- I figured you wouldn't say something about the door.

Y/n-  what do you mean.

Justin- I was hoping you would say something.

Y/n- no big deal it is what it I'd.

Justin- when I said things will be different that doesn't mean I'll stop doing the things from before I don't expect you to give me anymore respect.

Y/n- ok.

Justin put his hand on my thigh speeding up and I started scrolling through my phone.

Time skip-

We got to a huge house and I looked at Justin.

Y/n- why are we here?

Justin- do you like it?

Y/n- yea obviously it's beautiful.

Justin- do you see yourself in it?

Y/n- I mean yea of course It's beautiful I bet it's prettier on the inside but isn't this private property?

Justin- yea it is come on.

Y/n- wait what.

Justin got out and came to my side and opened my door holding out his hand I held his hand  and he pulled out a pair of keys.

Justin- I bought it.

Y/n- what?

Justin brought me into a hug and I hugged him and he kissed me the body guards started getting out and me and Justin walked up to the door hand in hand.

Justin- you guys can stay out here we'll be fine.

We walked around all the house.

Every inch if the house was everything I had ever dreamed about I brung Justin into a hug and he kissed me.

Justin- we can change everything and anything you want changed or added.

Y/n- it's beautiful....

Justin- it's all your baby.

I smiled and Justin picked me up bridal style and brought me to a room bigger then usual which obviously meant was the master. I had yet to see it then Justin walked to a wall and set me down.

Y/n- a wall?

Justin- not just a wall.

Justin pushed in one certain spot which opened a dark room.

Y/n- wow...

Justin grabbed my hand pulling me in and he turned the room light on and when I say I was shocked I was shocked the room was black and gold with a bunch of....

Y/n- sex toys.......

Justin- look around.

Y/n- was this here before you bought it?

Justin laughed.

Justin- no baby I had it made for you.

I looked around and there was so much that could be used it was kind of intimidating.

Justin- what do you think.

Y/n- its cute but we've never done anyone to this extent.

Justin- this room is more of pleasure then pain baby trust me you'll find yourself wanting to be in it more then you should.

Y/n- it I said looking around slightly biting my lip of the thought of Justin using these things on me.

Justin- Ryan's here him and the body guards are downstairs but later how about we try it out.

Y/n- sounds like fun. I said before Justin pulled me in by my waist before kissing me then we closed the door and walked downstairs.

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