Chapter 46: Mid to Late May 1925

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean, "Of course not"?"

Cora quickly changes the subject. "Doctor Clarkson seems to be coming round. Isobel's bringing him for a drink tonight with Dickie Merton."

"So, that's why Mama paid her visit." Robert comments.

"When? What did she want?" Cora immediately questions.

"Yeah, apparently she's going to convince Neville Chamberlain to dine here." Emma answers. "She plans to convince him to support her, stop the new plans."

Robert looks at her completely baffled. "How do you know about that?"

Emma shrugs. "I have my ways."

Tom gives her a pointed glance, one he gives her when he realises her future knowledge is at play.

"Anyway, yes, he's coming north." Robert mutters.

"If he's on a tour, it'll be far too late to alter his schedule." Cora says.

"That's what I said, but she seems to think she can persuade him."

"Is it wrong to hope she's mistaken?"

Robert sighs.


Later on, in the Drawing room, Robert welcomes Isobel, Lord Merton and Dr Clarkson. Cora and Emma are seated on the settees.

"I'm glad to see you here again, Dickie."

"Well, it's very good to be here, but it's only about the row, I'm afraid." Lord Merton says. Poor man, probably holding out hope that Isobel will come around.

"Oh, never mind that." Isobel quickly comments. "We've brought Doctor Clarkson with us because there's something that you, or at any rate, Cora, will want to hear."

"Do I detect that you're changing sides?" Robert questions the Doctor who looks mildly uncomfortable with being here.

"Er, maybe." Comes the awkward reply.

"Have you told my mother?"

"Of course not, he has some survival instincts." Emma scoffs as the others take their seats. While she's glad Dr Clarkson is seeing the light of day when it comes to the Hospital, does not mean she won't let the fact that he was against the scheme in the first place go so easily.

"Poor man. If he's changing his mind, don't let's put him off." Cora says.

"Oh, that reminds me. I have a message from her. She says that the Health Minister is happy to dine here this Friday." Isobel tells them.

"What?" Emma asks. "How did she manage that?"

"She must have found a way to blackmail him." Robert says.

"You don't mean that." Cora utters, aghast.

"I wouldn't put it past her."

"If she's convinced him to come here, she can make him condemn the scheme." Emma says worriedly.

"Well, she mustn't." Cora says, looking at Emma, Isobel, Lord Merton and Dr Clarkson specifically. "And I want the four of you here to support me."

"Aye aye, Captain." Isobel declares.

Emma nods determinedly. "I echo that."

Dr Clarkson and Lord Merton exchange a look, not enthusiastic at all.


Edith goes down to London on the Wednesday to not only go on a supposed not-date with Bertie Pelham but also do interviews for her new editor. Interviews with women, which Emma is quite pleased about.

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