Chapter 13: October to November 1918

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Emma is walking with Major Knollys and Lieutenant McGarel in the grounds of Downton when they pass Lady Mary pushing Captain Crawley's wheelchair across the grounds. She is assisting McGarel as he walks with a walking stick.

"Morning." Knollys greets. Emma nods and smiles at them.

After passing them, she glances back to observe them. Lady Mary seems to be looking after him a great deal and Emma wonders how Sir Richard is feeling about this. She hopes he isn't violent when jealous.


"I've never worked in a house where a valet and a housemaid were wed," Jane says as she sews in the Servants' Hall. Emma is leaning against the table next to her as she herself has a quick cup of tea.

"It'll be unusual, I agree," Anna replies from her seat across from Jane as she fixes a hat of Lady Mary's

"But lovely," Emma remarks, sharing a smile with Anna.

"Hope it doesn't break us up, having you two set apart in a home of your own all special while the rest of us muddle on for ourselves." Miss O'Brien says as she cleans some pearls next to Jane.

"You sound as if you're jealous," Anna remarks.

"I'm not jealous. I just don't want it to spoil things."

Emma smirks into her cup.

"Why? Because we've all been such pals until now?" Mr Bates says sarcastically from his seat next to Anna as he fixes collars.

"Well obviously. Haven't you noticed?" Emma jokes, grinning.

Daisy enters with a tray, a black mourning band on her arm. She sees them look at her for a moment and she exits without a word.

"Give her time," Anna says.


"I have something to confess," Sybil says approaching Emma as she tucks Captain Goodson into his bed.


"I..." Sybil glances around. "Can we go somewhere private?"

"Of course." They go to one of the rooms downstairs being used as storage for Hospital equipment.

"I should have mentioned this before but..." Sybil begins. She frowns as if trying to think about how to word this correctly.

"Sybil..." Emma prompts.

"A few months ago Lieutenant Prior proposed to me."

Emma gasps. "Sybil, that's brilliant!" She wraps the other woman in a hug before pulling away with her hands still on her arms. "Have you said yes?"

Sybil is hesitant. "I've told him I'll think about it."

"Can I ask why?" Emma asks contemplatively, dropping her hands.

Sybil sighs. "I can't go forward with my life until the war is over. There's also my family and friends to think about."

"You worry they won't accept it, him." Emma realises.

"Due to his position, I'd have to give up my whole world. I might have to elope to even avoid them stopping us." Sybil rambles. Emma raises her eyebrows at the last bit.

"But can you imagine being without him?" Emma prompts.

Sybil chews her lip thinking for a moment. "No, no I do not think so."

"I think you have your answer then."

"Maybe you should take your own advice." Sybil remarks. Emma's eyes widen at that.

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