Chapter 3

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Heyoo!! I made a playlist on Spotify, you can search up the book name and- and I would add songs gradually.

"I don't need this..." she emitted compelling back my hand.

I proffered her the coffee cup again, "It's a peace offering, I'm sorry how I acted yesterday." I depicted her with my doe eyes and her dark eyes softened sighing.

She took the cup giving a smile, "It's your last warning" She precautioned rambling to her cabin and I pursued like dopey, I didn't want to, it's my heart that was going there by itself.

What do I do if my heartbeat is linked with hers?

"Warning? I like you, Mrs whatever..." I scuff my nap displaying a toothful smile and feeling my heart ethnicity when she glances over me from her shoulder snickering.

"I'm married, sweetheart" She strode to her office presumably blushing, she was blushing! I notice the hue of red on her cheek.

I ran up to her courting her, "Does that mean we can be friends?"

She sighed placing the Dior bag on the table and I broadened my eyes when she positioned the 30cm steel ruler under my chin pitching my head up. My eyes encounter her, she drives the pointing corner of the ruler into my throat making me whine. My heart sprinted as she jigged closer, "Run 30 laps of ground, now" she articulated.


"Your punishment, sweetheart. You need to learn a lesson" she snickered.

Was it truly punishment? Why she was doing this to me? Is she flirting back? Her dark eyes made me coquettish on the place, her eyes are the reason why I couldn't sleep, all I see is her, doesn't matter if I sleep or if I'm awake. She's everywhere in me, I reached to hold the ruler but she push it into my skin and she move more than she could slit my throat. Even bleeding doesn't pain me as much as her eyes look away from me.

I grinned, "Anything for you, Professor..."

She set down the ruler. I was about to leave when she held my wrist tautening me back, I saw her eyes expecting they would convey something to me that she felt the same.

"Roseanne, don't make me do this. You're a good student, I certainly don't want to ruin your career but if you keep up with this attitude I won't have any choice but to take this matter to the board"

I glance at her hold on my wrist, "Well, it would leave a mark on you that I was a part of your life. I just... don't you like me, even a little?"

She let go of my hand, "You're delusional, ge-"

"Don't you get it? I-"

I didn't enunciate much because I needed her, my heart needed her so I simply left feelings storming in my head. My heart only beats for her, why does it beat for her? Whenever she's close it's like my heart needs her to even beat steady, and I don't get the fact why can't a student fall in love with a professor? Why is it wrong? It's feelings, right?

She was staring at me from her cabin's window, her arms crossed and the way her dark hair waved in the breeze gave my heart a problematic time pounding. I wheezed when she tucked the strand of her hair behind her ear, her jaw tight inclining her chin for me to run. I had classes to attend, and here I was enmeshed in her gaze anticipatory to devastate in this track for her. What was she doing to me? She knew what she did to me then why she was asphyxiating me in these feelings? The track was clear, no one was nearby so I shrugged waving my hand a bit for her to see.

I couldn't help laying in the middle of the track after covering 20 laps listening to my heart pulsing in my ear and chest when someone stood in front of me I couldn't see the face until she bent down offering me her hand, "Are you okay?" she voiced.

Deception Of Obsessive-Devotion (Chaennie/Chaesoo)Where stories live. Discover now