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After 12 years 

Approaching Jennie's or Rosé burial, Jisoo confronted the cruel symmetry of their resting places. The symbolism of their shared love and burial deepened the ache within her chest, a visceral reminder of the inescapable entanglement of their destinies. The title of their story, etched into the tombstones, loomed like a haunting prophecy.

"Happy birthday Jennie," She placed the flowers on Jennie's grave and the yellow roses on Rosé's grave sitting in between their tombstone on grass.

"12 years, it has been more than a decade and I remember your every word. I have apologized countless times and I know it won't fix anything yet again, here I am with my broken heart looking for you. I made Dad proud, I... Lisa is happy with her new partner, So-hee. Surprising, isn't it? Seulgi is busy on a world tour, momo is expanding her dance academy in Europe. I wish I could introduce you to them. I believe you're doing fine," she took a big gulp of the wine bottle she had come with as she stared at Rosé's crypt with teary eyes.

"Isn't she Roseanne?" she placed a wine glass on Jennie's tomb to fill it.

"You know Roseanne, I always wanted to feel how would it feel to have a drink with my little sister but she never gave me a chance to explain" 

Her thoughts, like a tempest in the quiet eye of despair, swirled with memories of shared laughter, whispered confessions, and the love that had been both their solace and their undoing. The consequences of their obsessive devotion, a relentless force that had dictated the course of their lives, manifested in the raw pain etched across Jisoo's face.

"Roseanne, I..." she sighs leaning in between their burial in the grass staring up at the sunny day.

" I miss you, I miss you every day because... this obsessional love might have destroyed you both but it's still live within me. Now the worst thing is I'm in love with your memories, weird isn't it?" she sat bowing to Jennie's tomb.

"No offence little sister, she's with you. I'm... I'm merely a lover. I cannot forget, I tried and kept going back to her memories and you cannot blame me, Jennie. You did the same, you selfishly made your choice and I choose not to come in between you both again." 

The tomb displaying the same date of death as Rosé's or Jennie's burial, a cruel repository of finality, became the focal point of Jisoo's gaze. The pain etched across her face, a silent scream that reverberated through the caverns of her grieving soul bore witness to the depths of her anguish. The time, a procession of mourning hearts, became a theatre of unrestrained sorrow, and Jisoo found herself a captive audience to the cruel performance.

She stares at Rosé's tomb, "I get it Rosé, Love is not about winning it over. It's about getting lost in it, feel it, live winth in it and it's eternal. In love's illusion, we waltzed between obsession and devotion, a delicate dance painted across time's canvas – a love of eternal ache."

"I wish... I wish I would become the source of your love next time not end. I wish in my next life I would.... I would be your light for both of your love, not the reason to be apart. I miss you, sister" She delineates her hand on the grave pressing her forehead on the tomb.

The weight of relinquishing Jennie or Rosé settled around bacchanalian Jisoo like a suffocating cloak. The heavens, as if mourning the tragedy below, wept in unison with the mourners. The rhythmic drumming of raindrops on the ground provided a haunting backdrop to the symphony of grief. The elements seemed to conspire, mirroring the consequences of their obsessive love—a tempest that left devastation in its wake.

"I wish to be your best friend like you wanted me, I will be the person you go to for your wants. I'll be a better older sister if I ever get to meet you in my next life, I wish to be everything you want me to be, I promise, sissy" 

Deception Of Obsessive-Devotion (Chaennie/Chaesoo)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن