XXVI. Fourth Year: The Fall Of The Black Brothers

Start from the beginning

"Yes," he blurted out in fear.

Sirius shot him a hurt look before Walburga proceeded to throw curses at him. His brother crumpled to the floor and his screams filled the room. At some point wounds started appearing on his abdomen and shit, he was bleeding. Regulus watched in horror as it all happened and he hated that he knew this was his fault. Sirius had gone against their parents wishes and told him about Alphard because he had a right to know and Regulus didn't even have the common human decency to keep it a secret.

Their mother's curses briefly stopped and Sirius crawled towards the fireplace. He reached his hand into the floo powder. "If you leave this room Sirius Orion Black, you will no longer be apart of this family."

Regulus locked eyes with Sirius and he silently begged him not to go, but Sirius ignored him. "Okay. The Potter Mansion."

Regulus watched as his brother floo'd out of the room to the Potters and later that night he watched as his mother burnt Sirius off the family tapestry. He was officially now the heir to the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black.

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"So the date did go well then?" Marlene asked clearly trying to pry more details out of Peter.

"Yeah it was great, Marls. I guess I never thought a girl would ever want to go on a date with me to Madam Pudifoots. Usually everyone just wants to go with people like Sirius," Peter answered.

"Any girl would be lucky to go on a date with you, Pete," James said as he reached over and ruffled Peter's hair teasingly. Peter scowled at him and he smiled in satisfaction at the scowl. He reached over and grabbed his drink off the table and brought it up to his lips.

"Not like I would expect you two to understand of course. You know, the idea of going on a Hogsmeade date with someone of the opposite gender," Peter added.

James chocked on his drink in surprise. What the fuck? Marlene coughed awkwardly next to him. Peters eyes went wide in fear and he quickly apologized, "Shit, I'm sorry! I just- I thought it was obvious that you guys liked Dorcas and Regulus. I mean I've known you since we were kids. I know when you guys like someone. I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't have just blurted it out like that. Sorry."

"It's alright, mate. You just took me by surprise there for a moment," he quickly reassured.

"So I'm right then?" Peter asked cautiously.

"Sadly," Marlene muttered in confirmation.

James raised his eyebrows at Marlene. This was new information. "Dorcas?"

She raised her eyebrows back at him. "Regulus?" She mocked.

"You act like you didn't already know that."

"Oh trust me, I knew. I had to put up with your hopeless pining all last year. You really could have told Pete and helped me out a little you know," Marlene complained.

At that moment Remus came back into the room. "Are you two still pestering Peter about his date?"

"Yes, they are. Please come save me, Remus," Peter lied.

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