XVI. Third Year: Maybe The Marauders Aren't... That Bad?

Start from the beginning

"So what? You are just going to walk around Hogsmeade all alone? That's no fun at all."

Regulus shrugged, "It's better than being stuck in the castle."

"Well, I'm not going to let you just walk around by yourself. Come walk around with me and the girls. Sirius and Remus are doing there own thing today and Pete has a date so it's just Marlene, Lily, Mary, and I."

Regulus gave him a skeptical look like he was trying to figure out what kind of trick James was playing on him. "Why should I?"

"Come on let yourself have fun for once in your life, Regulus. Let yourself hang with Gryffindors other than your roommates. Embrace the maroon," James said, saying the last part extra dramatic.

Regulus raised an eyebrow at him, "Embrace the maroon?"

"Yeah, you heard me right."

Regulus let out a little laugh while shaking his head in disbelief. "You're an idiot, Potter."

James flashed him a smile, "I know."

Regulus seemed to cave into the idea, "You know, I guess I'll go with you guys, but only if we can stop at the bookstore. They have some muggle books there I heard. I want to see what ones they have."

James smile only grew, "I knew you would cave in eventually. Also Lils can probably help you pick out some books. She has read and a lot of muggle and wizard books so she can probably recommend some to you."

Regulus just nodded and they walked the rest of the way in silence. When they got to the carriages, Regulus climbed in with him and the girls. "Black is coming with us?" Mary asked.

Regulus nodded stiffly. "Yes, do you have a problem with that, Macdonald?"

She quickly shook her head. "No, no. I didn't mean it like that I'm just shocked I guess. I didn't take you as the type of person to go to Hogsmeade with two muggleborns and James Potter. Well and Marlene, but Marlene is just Marlene. She is a pureblood and is pretty chill. Basically the opposite of James."

"Yeah well Potter is a menace when he wants to be and I don't feel like fighting him right now. He was quite insistent that I go with you guys instead of going alone," Regulus explained.

When they arrived at Hogsmeade, they of course went to Honeydukes first. They all bought tons of sweets before leaving. They then stopped by the post office so Lily and Mary could send letters to their parents. After that they went to the bookstore. Lily and Regulus automatically made their way to the back of the store where all the books they called "good" were and where all the muggle ones also were. Marlene, Mary, and him stayed towards the front of the shop and pretended to look like they were interested in any of the books they were seeing.




"What kind of books are you looking for?" Lily asked as they walked towards the back of the store.

"I wanted to look at the muggle ones," he answered. "Don't really know what certain ones to look for though. I don't really know very much about muggle books."

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