Vesper's expression darkened, her jealousy evident, "What the hell are you both rambling about?"

Sirius's jaw clenched. He knew they were rambling something about him, but he remained stoic, "I observe her for strategic reasons. She's a great enemy and a threat, nothing more." He said, his face blank as an unwritten paper. He couldn't stand it.

"Oh, my lord come on. Since when have you been so interested in your enemies? They come and go after all." Allegra scoffed.

He shifted from his place, grabbing the mirror from the floor, then wiping it crystal clean using a napkin, "My ladies, you all already know who Regan is. She's not like....the others." He solemnly said.

"Yes, she's not. She's part of something big." Circe nudged Allegra.

"Part of our sorcerer's fate." Allegra whispered back mischievously.

Vesper tried to control her fury as she heard her sisters words.

"Enough." Sirius raised his hand to the sisters direction, his patience running on a thin line, "Stop this nonsense already. You have better things to do. Go and keep an eye on Finn's girlfriend!" He sternly ordered.

Allegra and Circe threw playful glaces to each other, enjoying his reaction and Vesper's at the same time, "But why are you so pressed?" Allegra fueled on.

"I don't think that Finn's girlfriend is really a matter to us, perhaps why I feel you're trying to avoid us?" Vesper finally spoke, her voice dangerously furious.

The sorcerer, knowing that this melodrama would continue, ran a hand through his hair and sat on his throne.

"Perhaps you all need a little boost." He said and his lips curled upwards.

"Boost for what?" Allegra said curiously, leaning in.

"A little power, my dear Allegra. Especially for you." He said as his hand glowed in a blue flame and he washed it over Allegra.

Allegra felt a sudden surge of magical energy coursing through her. She blinked in surprise, "What did you do?"

Sirius smirked, "Just a small enhancement. Now, go and focus on your assigned task without causing unnecessary chaos."

"Why her?" Vesper raved, her eyes burning with fire as she saw Allegra's smug.

"Because I said so." He said, a hint of authority.

Circe, intrigued, leaned closer to Sirius, "And what about me? Do I get a magical boost too?"

"Yes, you too." He said, his expression blank. He waved his hand at Circe and she felt something strange coursing through her veins.


"Alright. Now, go." He said, his hand on his forehead.

The sisters exchanged satisfied glances, leaving Sirius and Vesper in tense silence.

"You're swimming in dark waters, Sirius." Vesper said, her expression darkened.

"I've always had, my dear."

"Be careful of what you might find there." Said she, her voice low and warning as her face betrayed her untold jealousy.

She exited the chamber and stormed inside her sisters' chamber. Her rage was so extended that she didn't know where to throw it first.

"What the hell did you both think you were saying back there?!" Vesper shouted to her sisters, her face red.

"Dear sis, chill out. We were just joking. But you're to cold to get it anyway." Allegra said, her voice dripping with tease.

"Joking?! What was there to joke about! Look there you fools, you think that Sirius gives a damn about you, just because he gives you a little of his power!" Vesper said, furiously as her hands glowed on her electrical aura, ready to strike.

"Admit it Vesper, you're just jealous. Sirius never paid attention to you, anyway." Allegra fueled her even more.

Instead of using her magic, Vesper launched herself at the blonde and tried to hit her. Allegra, agile and quick, dodged Vesper's attacks and retaliated with a surge of energy that sent Vesper stumbling backward. Circe, attempting to mediate, found herself caught between the conflicting forces.

"You really think you're all that Allegra? You're just an attention whore!"

"I'm not a moron like you at least!"

"Enough, both of you!" Circe shouted, trying to physically separate her feuding sisters. However, the magical tempest showed no signs of abating.

Vesper, with a furious expression, retorted, "She started it! Always trying to outshine everyone!"

Allegra, smirking, responded, "Oh please, Vesper, you're just upset because Sirius doesn't even spare you a second glance."

As the verbal and magical exchanges intensified, Circe's frustration grew. Finally, summoning all her magical strength, she created a barrier between the warring sisters.

"Stop this madness!" Circe pleaded, her voice echoing in the chamber. "We're better than this. Are we going to fight just because of a guy? We're sisters, bound by blood and magic. Don't let jealousy tear us apart."

Vesper backed away a bit and she put her hands on her face, trying to steady herself, while Allegra seated on the ottoman, her burning gaze wandering to Circe and the blue haired one.

"Yes, you're right. We're sisters. The problem is, Regan." Vesper said.

Circe sighed and she sat on a chair. As her silver eyes gleaned with malice, she said, "Regan is becoming a nuisance. We can't let her interfere with our plans. It's time we take matters into our own hands."

Vesper, still seething with jealousy, sneered, "She's nothing but an obstacle. If it weren't for her, we would have Sirius entirely under our control."

"So? Why don't we make her regret stepping into our world? We'll show her the consequences of crossing the three of us."

Circe smirked, "We're going to have some fun with her. First we'll find her weaknesses and then we'll strik-"

"I know each of her weaknesses, it's pretty easy torment her." Vesper interrupted with a wicked grin and self satisfaction.

"Great! We aren't going to spoil this to Sirius." Circe said.

"There's no way he's going to find out!" Allegra added.

Each one of them smiled evilly at each other, as they had outlined their plan.


"Your lesson for today is finished," The mentor said and got up from the ancient chair, "I'll come again tomorrow."

"But I don't think I learnt anything." Regan replied, clueless and embarrassed. Seraphina had taught her about telekinesis and the use of her fire powers but Regan didn't quite grasp in entirely. It seemed confusing theoretically and practically. Although what Seraphina did all along, was relating magic with science.

Seraphina smiled gently, "You should practice yourself. Remember what I told you. Here's the tome. There are the instructions and the knowledge. Don't give it to anyone." Seraphina said as she left another book on the table, that one carved with words in an unknown language.

"Take care, child." The wise sorceress said as she reassured Regan. Then, she opened the tall entrance door and disappeared into the shadows.

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