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After Vesper left abruptly, Regan wondered what happened to her but she let it go after a while. The girl enforced her troubled thoughts on her mind, and assured herself that Vesper didn't believe her.

Bringing up the courage, she had finished cleaning her room one hour ago.

Then she played games on her laptop but got bored easily. She attempted to read but didn't read anything.

"Why should I?" She'd say to herself in frustration.

That way, a strong melancholy engulfed her and the time looked for her as if it would never pass. Sometimes she stayed in the backyard, sometimes walked around the neighborhood. But she couldn't ignore the bizarre feeling that something might have been lurking behind the trees, waiting to hypnotize her mind and then strangle her.

These thoughts were in Regan's mind for days and they were driving her crazy. Even when she supposedly slept after school, it was enforced by Monica. He would always be in her mind; his beautiful and captivating eyes would always be lingering in her mind.

Despite the diminishing evidence, Regan connected all the inexplicable events to this enigmatic figure. Upon his arrival, she found herself enduring an unparalleled anguish. Yes, she had always been negative and paranoid, but it had been her mind only. Now, there was someone else as well.

She'd pass the time by struggling internally, grip her hair, slam her books, but never cry. She didn't want a tear to escape her eyes.

She'd show her frustration to the online games that once were her vibe; the studies that made no point anymore and the books, which were a waste of time, lies with stupid fairytales. None of these were appreciated anymore. She hated them all, they were a waste of time and the more she tried to focus on them, the more she fell captive of the delusions of her own mind.

Merely one hour ago, she tried to study but couldn't focus on anything.

She wondered, what did she do wrong to deserve all this struggle? Why couldn't she be normal and happy like the other girls her age?

Of course, she'd really question her mental health. That terrified her even more; she even would imagine herself in a mental asylum; if Monica would transfer her there, how would she survive? She knew that her aunt would do it, she'd think that Regan needed it, she'd do it.

These thoughts roamed her mind every damn second and she couldn't help but feel even more depressed. She had headaches all the time, she couldn't sleep, like always.

A swift sound was heard from behind Regan and she realized it was Monica who came from work. Monica walked over to the backyard and found Regan there, deep in thought. She sighed heavily, over worried about her weird behaviours. She couldn't wrap her mind about her hair changing color as well.

"Regan, I really have to talk to you."

"For what?"

"Well dear, I've seen that you are very bored and grumpy these days. What's wrong? Monica asked, putting a hand on Regan's shoulder.

Regan gave her a dry look. If Monica would persist in demanding the problem of her sufferings, then she would tell. But she had embarrassed herself enough by telling Vesper everything, when Monica didn't even know.

"I don't know how to tell this, it's not like you're going to believe me anyway." Regan got up from the chair and walked inside the house. She entered and sat on the couch, a part of her wanting to tell Monica, a part of her relishing on fear.

"Oh my dear! Why are you saying this? Tell me, what's the matter? Is it about school? Are you getting bullied? If that's it, I'll help you," Monica said, following her.

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