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Regan paced around anxiously, her heart pounding nonstop. Just seeing the woman that Vesper brought to her house, was adding up to her unease.

A air of mystery and menace hanged around her, making Regan sense it immediately.

She watched the woman suspiciously as she walked around, her looks and clothing were not one of an ordinary looking person. Her messy black curls fell a long way down to her waist, a big white clip, holding her bangs in place. She looked at her fifties but Regan wasn't sure about that either.

Her makeup was weird, the way the black eyeliner was done resembled the queens of Egypt and her eyes, a color of dark brown, seemed to stretch in dullness.

And then her clothes. She wore a long black layered skirt with shades of grey and purple; black leggings and black boots with chains. She had a white shirt with the same chains stuck to one side.

On the top of her attire, was a thin purple cloak. Her wrists held different bracelets, one of them showed a symbol of a skull. The others, Regan couldn't make them out.

Regan was unsettled from the woman and she hoped she would leave her house as soon as possible.

"What is she even doing!" She muttered angrily to her friend, who was seated comfortably on the couch, her expression unreadable.

"She's scanning your house around for spirits. Don't talk because she doesn't want to be underestimated." Vesper answered nonchalantly.

"Where did you find that weirdo?" Asked Regan.

"I have so many resources around, that you have no idea of."

"I guess that's what you did while skipping classes." Regan said rolling her eyes.

She couldn't wait until the woman would leave. If Monica would come now, she'd be dead. Regina assumed that what was happening, was just the result of her being  a bad niece.

The woman slowly approached Vesper and muttered something to her ears. Vesper nodded in response.

"What?" Regan said raising an eyebrow.

"She has to go up to your room." Vesper replied, "that's more important."

Regan showed her reluctance but agreed still.

The woman slowly walked upstairs, leaving an eerie energy wherever she went. Regan could feel the unease and even if it sounded silly, she couldn't shake the thought that the woman was just witch.

Regan followed her and so did Vesper. They waited for a while, Regan scanning the woman's movements and at the same time, looking all over the place that she saw him before.

After five minutes they were all downstairs. Regan's patience was hanging  on a thin line. Neither Vesper, nor the mysterious woman was saying a word, like the cat had eaten their tongues.

"So? Is there anything to say? I don't have all the day free." Regan said, crossing her arms.

The woman's eyes bored into Regan's which made the girl dart her eyes around.

"As you saw, I traced your house and I don't think there's any more work to do. I've got enough." The woman spoke for the first time.

"So what is there to know?" Vesper asked leaning comfortably on the couch.

"It's pretty obvious that what's going around with you girl, it has nothing to do with your house." The ghost hunter said.

Regan's heart pounded fast. It wasn't like she wasn't believing this. It made sense. That maybe was why Monica never saw anything. But at the same time it made it look like it was all Regan's imagination.

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