Inveni meus catulus meus

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"Very well," Sirius said, his voice low and dangerous. "Now," he looked at Natsu, "you shall leave. I won't forget what you did for her." Natsu nodded once, his expression remaining impassive, before turning on his heel and disappearing down the corridor.

Regan stood there, forgetting about the cold or the chillness. She couldn't believe Sirius was here. What had Agnar told him? What a sick creature like him had told?

Sirius approached her, his expression unreadable for a moment, before a knowing smirk crept on his face. "Finally," he said, his voice low and husky, "I found my kitten."

Regan's cheeks blazed with embarrassment at his words. She knew Sirius was mocking her, but she couldn't help the strange flutter in her chest at his presence. But then she remembered this was Sirius, someone she loathed, someone she found the same as everyone else. She masked her face with a scowl.

"I'm not your kitten," she hissed.

"Aww, the kitten's angry," he scoffed, his eyes filled with amusement and something else. Something like....concern.

"Let's get out of here," he added.

"Where to?" Regan snapped, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Back to my castle," Sirius answered with a shrug. "Enough of this madness. I did that mistake before, I'm not going to do it again," he muttered, more to himself.

Regan felt a sense of dread washing over her. He was going to bring her to his castle and there she'd start the cycle as his prisoner. No, she wasn't going to escape from a prison and end up in another one.

"No," she retorted sharply. "I'm never going back there. Now, fuck off and leave me alone. I'll never be a captive of yours again."

Sirius chuckled, "So what, you're willing to stay here? Stay then."

He turned away and started walking back towards the doors. Regan's heart pounded as she watched him. She didn't want to go with him, but she didn't want to stay here either. She was terrified of what would happen to her.

"Why are you here?" she demanded, her voice laced with curiosity and confusion.

"Why do you think?" Sirius retorted, his tone unreadable. "You got in trouble, you said you were my spy and now.... I'm feeling generous enough to take you away from here."

"I never said I was your spy! I never said any of this crap!" Regan spat, anger boiling inside her. She couldn't believe he was suggesting she said she was his spy.

"Oh, come on now. You could have thought to get away with blaming me, I know," Sirius teased, a smirk playing on his lips.

It only infuriated her more. "I hate it! I hate you! I hate this whole damn place!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the empty corridor, "I hate all this!"

Sirius raised an eyebrow, amused by her outburst. "Oh, you hate all this? That's too bad. I thought you might have had some feelings for me. This really wounded me, you know." He chuckled, clearly not taking her seriously.

Regan felt a mix of anger and embarrassment course through her veins. She wanted to run away from him, but it wouldn't help.

"Listen here, kitten," he began once again. "You'll come with me one way or another. Now, you either follow my lead or I'll carry you. Or..." he trailed off, his voice taking a conspirational turn, "I can also knock you out and make you feel nothing. It's your choice."

Regan hated him, but she hated the thought of being picked up or whatever he was suggesting even more. She bit her cheek, trying to decide what to do. But she couldn't stay here either. "Fine," she muttered, "I'll follow you."

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