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Regan left the box on the counter and opened the fridge to eat something. She ignored his voice in her head, although his undecipherable ramble went on for a while.

She did some homework. Minutes later, she heard the main door crack and it was her aunt. Regan was relieved because as time passed, she felt scared to be alone in the house at night.

The scariest thing was that she wasn't even alone.

As she greeted her aunt, the next thing that Monica said, was weird.

"Tomorrow after school, we're gonna go somewhere."

"Where will we go?" Regan asked confused, following her.

"I'll tell you tomorrow," Monica said while entering her bedroom and closing the door shut.

Regan's eyebrows furrowed. She didn't really like surprises. If they were going somewhere to eat, drink or shop, her aunt would have said.

She wasn't left to ask anymore, she had disturbed her aunt already by installing cameras around without her permission.

She thought of watching a movie, a random one on TV. But soon she got bored out. She wasn't in mood to watch movies.

It seemed boring, stupid and meaningless.

Grumpiness washed over her again. Yes, she had always carried that sense of dread, but at least she hadn't been haunted by external forces.

Nothing felt interesting to her and even doing practically nothing was bothering her. She couldn't imagine what would happen if she really had gone mentally insane.

Regan wished she never moved out of her previous place. She had been bullied but nothing had affected her in any way that haunting thing was.

She lay down on the couch and few tears escaped her eyes. She hated crying, she rarely did. But this time, she couldn't help it. She didn't have to be tormented psychologically like this.

Soon, she wiped tears and stood up. But it wasn't over. The light of the kitchen flickered on. Regan looked there to see no one. But by now, this was just a facade, she knew someone was there.

"Hey, if you're hiding, come out," Regan said angrily curling her hands in a fist, "Show yourself!" she raised her voice even more, trying to sound braver than she felt.

Regan didn't know what he was, a ghost, a spirit but whatever he was, he was haunting her for apparently no reason.

"If you really had guts, you'd show yourself straight before me, not as a nightmare."

Deep down she wouldn't want to see him again like it happened in school. She wasn't sure either if he was just an imagination or was really there.

She waited and nothing happened.

Unaware of her, Monica heard her outburst.

She was worried and uncertain. There was really something going on with Regan.

Monica didn't say anything, neither did she approach Regan. She walked to her own room without making any sound.

Meanwhile, Regan observed the cameras. If he was here, the camera must have caught him....

"Only if human....only real," she thought.

She chose to check the kitchen's footage. She skipped until the time she wanted to check. And she stopped when she saw her own self appearing.

She turned the footage two minutes back to see what happened when the light turned on itself.

But to her surprise, there was no evidence that the light was turned on. And no one else appeared, instead of Regan, who was yelling to no one in particular.

Flames Of RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now