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Suddenly, loud movements echoed around the dark dungeon. As if a heavy metal door was being banged roughly. Moments later, Regan heard a sound of heavy chains clattering and dragging across the cold ground. After a while, it stopped and footsteps echoed around the creepy dungeon. He showed his face. Agnar.

"You piece of filth!" Regan hissed, "what do you want now?"

Agnar's smirk faltered, replaced by a cold, angry frown, "Shut up, you foolish rat. I came to see you. To help you," his voice was laced with wickedness and evil. Something she had become an expert to sense.

"You shut up!" she yelled, "You have no right to lock me here!"

Agnar's hands gripped the bars strongly, "Oh, so who has it? Who has the right? Sirius?"

"You're insane! I'm not working with Sirius nor with anyone else!"

"Yeah, yeah," Agnar chuckled evilly, "and by the way, I told your master about this. He seemed pretty mad. He's going to come and see how I'll tear his little pet apart." His words stung, but she wouldn't let him see it.

"I'm not working with anyone!" Regan once again protested, her voice firm and steady. "And Sirius isn't my master. You're going to regret this, you asshole."

Agnar's laugh was cold and cruel, "Oh, Cornelia. I regret nothing. I regret nothing at all. You, on the other hand, might have a way out. If you be my....lover, my mistress, my pet, and if you want obey me, I'll let you live." He looked her up and down, making Regan's skin crawl with disgust, "If not, you'll die. It's not like I really care. And, I haven't given anyone second chances like this. So, what do you say?"

"You're disgusting!" she spat venomously, "I would rather die than be your anything!"

The prince's expression twisted into a mask of rage. "Fine!" he snarled, "Then you'll die! And Sirius will find out about this. I'll make sure of it!" With that, he turned on his heel and strode away, leaving her alone in the darkness once more.

Alone with her thoughts, Regan felt a cold shiver run down her spine. Agnar's words echoed in her ears. She tried to convince herself that she was strong, that she was brave, but the truth was, she was scared. Very scared.

Time dragged on, and the silence in the dungeon became deafening. She curled up into a ball, trying to find some semblance of comfort amidst the hard, cold stones.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she heard footsteps approaching. Her heart leaped into her throat as she waited, bracing herself for whatever was to come. It was Artemis.

"Artemis," Regan whispered.

Artemis's face was cold and blank, but she could see the hesitation in her eyes. Like she was brought by reluctance.

"Regan, why are you here? How many times I told you to stay away from trouble? How many times I told you to mind your own business and not meddle with Agnar or anyone else?" Artemis said, her gaze turning reproachful.

"What do you mean by minding my own business? You're my business as well! Did you know Agnar was cheating on you? Did you know and did nothing about it?" Regan asked, her voice desperate and hoarse from the dungeon air and lack of water intake.

Artemis didn't speak. She didn't move, she didn't flinch.

"I can't believe it," Regan shook her head, "how can you? How can you stay married to someone that treats you like that? Like you're nothing but a toy? Like you're just another one of his many conquests? You deserve better than that, Artemis."

Artemis's expression twisted into a wry grin, "And what would you know about that? You've never been in love. You don't know what it's like to care for someone so much that you can't see their faults. You don't know what it's like to be so consumed by them that you'll ignore everything else just to be near them."

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