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Days later.

"Are you even listening, dear?" Monica snapped Regan out of her thoughts. They were eating breakfast outside in the garden. She wasn't going to school that day. Monica told her to take a day off because she believed that Regan didn't look alright.

And yes, she wasn't.


"I was talking about your hair, it has so many red strands. Why don't you tell me you dyed it?" Monica asked confused. If Regan hadn't noticed her hair, then her aunt did. And it was strange.

Regan's hair had gotten redder over the week. She had no explanation about it. It was something that wouldn't be thought very frequently by her. She knew something; didn't dye them and had no idea what was going on.

Vesper also noticed that, and told her that it could have been from the sun rays or exposure to chemicals, but it made no sense to Regan. The red strands were irregular. They would take place from root and then end where they wished too.

And now it was noticeable. Others could tell that she had dyed her hair red, when she didn't.

However, as mentioned before, she didn't really think a lot about it. Her mind was occupied only with the unsettling thoughts of the weirdness of her house and the unnerving and mysterious guy.

She really wondered if he was a real person and if the unknown place with roses in her dream was so. Apart from curiosity, she didn't know why she wondered. She'd never like them to be real. But at the same time, while never seeing that guy in her life, he felt strangely familiar.

As Regan had gotten even more paranoid and anxious, Monica also noticed that. She noticed that Regan didn't really sleep, or just acted like she did.

And as for Regan, she still noticed weird things going around in her house. She kept hearing the mocking, taunting voice. She felt exposed even through the walls of her house. The furnitures behaved weirdly as well. The doors would slam shut on their own and lights would work their own on and off cycle, of course, when Monica wasn't around.

As for these damn red roses that she had been terrified as well from, well, she didn't know what to think about it. Since that night, when she placed them inside the bathroom, she didn't see them again. It was like they vanished, went invisible into thin air. Yes, there was that Mike that Vesper blamed for. But he didn't seem to do anything or to even talk to Regan. He didn't speak or look at her at all, and she wasn't really convinced he had to do anything with it.

So, she didn't do anything. She didn't think about it, because if there was something to dwell on it, it was blaming him, not Mike.

But right now, she was even more frustrated that her aunt didn't believe her for that hair color change.

"Aunt, I'm telling you, I didn't dye it. I have no idea what's going on."

"But this needs to have an explanation, right? Just tell me dear, what's going on?"she said after letting out a long tired sigh. Monica had been trying to get Regan to say something. Even though she wouldn't believe what Regan said. It simply seemed illogical and ridiculous.

Before, Regan could easily fool around pretending like she was okay and now, when she thought about it, she really was slightly better before. At least she didn't have ridiculous dreams with fire and a prepossessing guy, telling her that she'd never escape. She also wouldn't hear voices and feel like she's being followed or feeling weird presences around.

Either the mysterious guy with a cloak was the source of the problem, or either the house. Or these were both linked. Regan couldn't come up with a right assumption. But she knew he was rambling in her mind.

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