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She took a deep breath, steadying her nerves and looking in the dark tunnel. It was dark and she already was feeling fear engulf her. But she had to keep going, she had to find her mother.

Glancing around, she knew she needed some kind of torch to see where she was going. Searching around the backyard, she found a lantern with a bit of oil in it. With a sigh of relief, she lit it, casting a dim light on the tunnel. The air in the tunnel was damp and musty, and she resisted so hard to yell and jump back when looking at the spider webs on the walls. She knew it would only make her sound like a frightened child but it was still scary.

Finally, she saw a dim light coming from the end. Her pace quickened and she approached the light further. As she approached, she realized it was the portal. Its swirling mass was white.

She reached out a trembling hand and touched the edge of the portal. It felt warm, almost hot to touch.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped through the portal. The sensation of passing through the barrier was disorienting, like falling through a bottomless pit. But then, she landed on solid ground, her feet sinking into the soft, mossy earth. She looked around, trying to get her bearings. The forest seemed endless, filled with woods and creepy vines. She saw the portal was still there, not disappearing. Regan let out a breath in relief, not sure what she would have done if it had disappeared.

As she walked deeper into the forest, the air grew colder and the trees taller. The branches reached out like skeletal fingers, blocking out the weak light of the stars. The sounds of the forest were eerie, with the occasional rustle of leaves or hoot of an unseen creature.

She wondered where the temple the Agnes talked about would be. Maybe somewhere in this forest. Maybe the Shadowslands weren't that big after all.

The Forbidden Forest was scary and creepy, the air filled with a pressure of fear and unease. The trees were ancient and twisted, their branches reaching out to her like the claws of a monster. Even the tree trucks were shaped like horrific beasts, their bark grotesquely carved with symbols she didn't understand.

She wondered if anyone lived there or if it was just an abandoned forest. As she walked, she saw some letters placed on the trunks of trees, each one with a symbol that she didn't recognize. It seemed that someone had left her a message, but she couldn't understand it. The letters seemed to dance before her eyes, refusing to stay still.

Maybe it was the riddle that Agnes had told her about. But Regan couldn't quite figure it out. They were symbols she couldn't explain so she took a deep breath and continued on her way.

She tried to stay as calm as possible, knowing that fear wouldn't lead her anywhere.

Suddenly, she heard a growl. It was close, but she couldn't see anything. The hair on the back of her neck stood up, and she clutched the lantern tighter. Another growl, closer this time. Something was stalking her through the forest. She felt a chill run down her spine as she realized she was not alone.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she hurried through the trees, trying to lose whatever it was that was following her. The woods seemed to close in around her, trapping her in a maze of ancient trees. The growls grew louder, more menacing with each step.

Maybe they were wolves or maybe they were other beasts. Whatever they were, she was still terrified. She had fought with yaxils and other creatures in the past, but she still had to be careful. The air seemed thick with menace, as if the very trees were alive and plotting against her.

She tripped over a root, falling hard on her hands and knees.

"Ouch!" she cried out, feeling a sharp pain shoot through her. The growling grew louder, closer. Whatever was following her was now very close. She forced herself to stand, her hands shaking as she clutched the lantern tighter.

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