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Three days had passed, but nothing changed about her haunting. She still heard his voice and even saw glimpses of him. Determined to find answers, she had to meet the ghost hunter again. She had asked Vesper for the strange woman's address and Vesper had just given it without asking a lot.

Her house was in a small village, far away from the city. Regan's aunt was working and had no idea what Regan was doing.

The girl followed the directions with her car and she was in a secluded road with houses far from each. It was a lonely valley and as further she went, buildings disappeared from her sight. Then, were merely woods and shrubs.

Regan felt unnerving at the loneliness of the place. Even though it was day and the sun shone brightly, she couldn't help but feel intimidated by the forest that was on her both sides.

Then, suddenly, a house appeared, hidden behind the old woods. Regan wondered if it was the right house. Her heart pounded rapidly knowing that she had to step out of the car and find out.

The house was two storey and looked old. Regan would better say creepy and old but she didn't want to wash out the courage she had to come here.

Vesper described the house that way after all.

Regan swallowed and opened her car's door to get out. She felt the wave of unease spread over her. Why would her house be so secluded and in the middle of a forest?

She cautiously approached the old house. When Regan was near enough, she read a label at the door. It had white background and on bold letters read Ruxena's souvenirs shop.

She pulled her courage together and knocked in. She knocked several times but no one opened the door. Regan assumed that the woman might not have been in her house but suddenly, the door cracked open.

Regan flinched and peaked in to see better. A wave of light fell on the wooden floor and she decided to step further. She started to walk in what seemed a narrow dimly lit corridor. The walls were dark and adorned with weird symbols and souvenirs. On a part, there were hanging heavy and shiny swords, hard and strong bows and sharp and pointy arrows, making Regan feel a shiver run down her spine.

She assumed that it was a store and suddenly, a door closed itself, making her flinch.

She started to lose a bit of her courage. After all she didn't know where she was and who was here.

"What are you doing here, young lady?" A raspy voice was heard behind her. Regan nearly jumped away and turned around to see it was the strange woman.

"I'm Regan, you came to my house three days ago," she said.

"Of course, I remember that. I'm asking you why you're here," the woman demanded again.

"So you can tell me whatever's happening with me," Regan retorted.

"I already told you the thing. Now, leave from here," the woman hissed, her face crossed by a frown, her voice sending chills to Regan.

The girl tried to drag the words, "Do you sell things there?"

"You're not interested to buy."

"Who said that? I'll look." Regan replied. Of course she wasn't willing to buy but she wasn't willing to leave without answers.

She started to move around the crackling floor. The house was old just like from outside. As she walked, she saw old shelves with vases, wooden and metallic structures, old artifacts, shiny and rusty statues, each one of them speaking of ancient and uncharted mysteries.

Regan knew the woman was staring at her but she ignored it.

"How much is that vase?" She asked, taking a simple one.

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