Solus semel plus

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As Regan's eyes darted around, they widened when she realized how much it had darkened. It wasn't completely night but still, she realized they had been staying for a long time here.

"Damnit," Regan grumbled. "Where are we going now? It's dark."

Iris realized, her own eyes widening, "Oh.....but we don't have anywhere to go now. This forest is endless. So we might just stay here."

"Stay here?" Regan repeated, standing up abruptly. "We can't just stay here, Iris. It's not safe."

"I know. But walking in the dark is not safe either."

They looked at each other for a moment, pondering whether to stay or leave. But before they could speak, a raspy voice pierced through the air, interrupting their silence.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't a group of lost souls. What are these folks doing in the middle of the forest?"

Startled, they turned to see an old man with a cane standing in front of them. His wrinkled face was filled with mischief and amusement, his long, white beard reaching down his robe, merging with his white hair. Regan's eyes narrowed at the sight, while Iris didn't move, staring at the old man in confusion.

"What is it to you?" Regan snapped, her tone sharp with frustration. Where did this old man came from? What did he want? Regan noticed how his robes were ragged and how chains and books hung from his long black skirt. He must be a sorcerer or something.

"I'm just trying to help," the old man replied, a grin spreading across his face.

"We don't want help," Regan retorted through gritted teeth. "Now get lost and mind your own business."

The old man watched them for a moment and then nodded, seemingly thinking to leave as he slowly turned around. But then Iris stood up.

"Wait!" she called from behind, "How were you trying to help?"

The old man eagerly turned, his eyes flickering between Iris and Regan. "Well, you seem lost in the forest, don't you? I could help you folks get the way back to the city."

"And what do you want in return?" Regan asked as she crossed her arms, not trusting the old man a bit.

"What a good might have something valuable to give," he replied, his voice tinged with mischief. "You see, I'm an old wizard. I've sold artifacts for centuries. And I smell magic from wherever it is. And you, dear, are a witch."

Regan's expression twisted into a sneer, her eyebrows furrowing. "I don't have anything valuable for you, man. Now go and leave us alone."

"Think wise," the old man said, his voice tinged with a hidden warning, "this might be your chance. The forest is unforgiving. I can teleport you both to the city and there won't be a problem."

"And why would you care?" Regan asked again, her frustration raising, "We don't have anything you're looking for."

"Maybe we have," Iris interrupted and walked over to Regan, grabbing her arm and pulling her away.

"Maybe he's going to help us," she whispered.

"He's not going to help us. He's a liar, can't you see?"

"He just wants some artifact or something valuable."

"And what artifact do we have?!"

Iris didn't say anything, knowing they didn't have any artifact or anything valuable to give in exchange.

But then, as if something snapped in Regan, she remembered these coins she had found on the railing of the chamber, in his castle. Maybe they were somewhat valuable. She wasn't sure.

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