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As Octavia searched for her daughter, she found her wandering in the kitchen with no trace. She quickly approached her and held her arms.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern.

"No, mom, I'm not alright. I'm terrible. I don't want to stay here anymore. I feel like I'll suffocate." Regan said, her voice filled with desperation and frustration. "I can't stand it anymore. I don't want this."

"Regan, I don't want it either. But we have to be patient. He's not someone we can directly confront. We have to play along for now, until we find a way out," Octavia said, her tone gentle but convincing, "I promise you, we'll find a way to escape from here."

But Regan wasn't convinced. She didn't believe in escape or anything like this anymore. She knew that she'd cross paths with him again, either him finding her or her stumbling upon him.

"We have to get rid of him once and for all," Regan stated, her voice hard with determination although deep inside, she didn't even know if she believed her own words. Not after what he had said and the way he acted that morning.

She couldn't help but think how handsome and caring he seemed. Maybe it were just
lies, manipulations. But at least he didn't take advantage of what she was wearing, he didn't even seem to look at her in that way. And that all added to her confusion and frustration. Not because she wanted him to look at her like that, of course, but because she didn't want to believe he had any honor and morals in him. She didn't want to believe he had any good in him. And so, she called it just lies and manipulation, convincing herself that he was nothing more than a cruel, wicked ruler.

Octavia pulled her in a tight hug and caressed her hair, "I know, my dear. But maybe he can be fooled around. Maybe we can find a way to outsmart him. We just need to be patient and stay strong," Octavia reassured her daughter, her voice filled with determination.

Regan nodded, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill over. She knew her mother was right, but it was hard to believe there was a way out of this mess. She clung to her mother, seeking comfort and reassurance in her embrace.

"We'll figure it out together, sweetie," Octavia whispered, her voice filled with love and determination. "We'll get through this, I promise." Her words were soothing and calm but Regan still couldn't shake the doubts she had within. She couldn't believe she was thinking about him in any way other than hatred and disgust. She knew she hated him but that kind of hate like an obsession. She was so obsessed with hating him that it was driving her crazy. Maybe if she'd kill him, she would finally be able to move on, to find some peace. But the thought of killing him made her feel even worse.

She didn't want to kill him, she wanted to defeat him, somehow and then put him behind bars where he belonged. After all, he was a criminal. He was also an escaped convict and everyone was afraid of him.

He was a conqueror, a ruthless and cunning sorcerer. Of course it'd be such a pride to finally defeat him, to prove to everyone that she was capable of overpowering him. But how? She wasn't much trained.

Yes, she was powerful, she believed in her powers. But, he was experienced, smart and manipulative. He knew how to use his powers and his wits against his enemies. He had conquered countless worlds and realms. And she was just a girl who had the guts to stand up against him.

"Mom, I don't want to stay here anymore. There must be an end to this. We can't drag this anymore," she said to her mother, her voice determined but still filled with desperation. "We have to find a way out of here."

"I know, sweetie. I feel the same. But we can't rush into anything. I don't really care about fights or wars. I don't even want these. I want to be with you. I've missed you for so long," Octavia said, cupping Regan's face with her hands and looking deep into her eyes. "I don't want to fight him. I just want to be with you and live a peaceful life. If we can find a way to make him leave us alone, I'll be grateful. But if not, then I still don't want you to get yourself hurt. You're all I have left in this world, my little angel."

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