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Nothing made sense in Regan's mind. She didn't know what to think or what to do. Even though she tried to ignore it, she was extremely scared from her house and everything else that had occurred.

She wanted to leave the house and never turn back again. But how could she say all this to Monica? How could she unravel? Her aunt never believed in paranormal or anything unrelated to normalities.

One after another, the more intriguing and bizarre things turned. Why would she have slept in the living room? She remembered to have been too terrified to sleep.

Even if she fainted, she'd be still on the floor and Monica would know.

Regan was so lost that she wasn't even minding attention of preparing for school. When Monica came in, she somehow got back to reality.

"Regan, are you ready? You're a bit late."

"Aunt, can you tell me clearly what happened after you told me to get upstairs to sleep in my room?" Regan asked, completely ignoring her question.

"I already told you Regan. You went upstairs to sleep and so did I. When I woke up early, I found you on the couch," said Monica. She wasn't lying.

Monica knew that Regan got panicked easily and exaggerated things. When she founded Regan on the couch, first she was confused, but then, she considered that Regan might have been too scared to sleep in her own room.

"Dear, are you sure you're okay? You were so tired and you don't look good. You saw a dream last night about doors closing themselves and hearing voices," Monica said, "you even woke up that girl, please Regan, this was very rude."

Her niece didn't say anything. Whatever she'd say, Monica wouldn't believe. So, she let it go and mumbled goodbye.

She went to school by foot, not wanting to use her car. Maybe some fresh air would help.

She started to think that her house was really haunted. Or that someone was inside her house. Both were terrifying thoughts that she didn't want to entertain but she couldn't help it.

Maybe it could've been a thief. But thieves come to steal and if it would have happened, Monica would be the first to notice.

So, Regan shrugged this possibility away.

She didn't even want to go to school anymore. Merely wanted to go somewhere... somewhere where she wouldn't think about the unsettling occurrences. Where she'd escape her mind, her negative thoughts, all the negativity that ate her whole.

Until these days, the house was always the best option to calm herself; she always felt secure even when she lived in the old flat. She'd always escape the wickedness and corruptness of the world.

But now, even the house didn't look safe for her.

Regan really thought that fresh air was going to help her, but she nearly bumped to a woman who was walking in the road. She muttered an apologize and continued to walk while the woman looked at her angrily.

She wished that earth would swallow her up, after such a stupidness.

She made her way to school, while still on the verge of going delusional from all of her endless thoughts.

In her physics class, she couldn't focus. It was like her mind was stolen away and she couldn't held the brakes from landing it back on the lesson. That would surely affect her grades. She even got called out for a question, but didn't answer because her mind was in other kinds of waters, deep invisible waters.

"Hey," A voice suddenly spoke in her mind, a husky and spine tingling voice.

The unnerved girl hadn't heard it in a while. Or that's what she thought. That voice, brought a resemblance to someone but when she attempted to connect the pieces together, she couldn't go further than the initial realization.

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