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Regan was sitting on the bed, staring at the weird flame dancing on her nails. It felt like a joke. That was all she have been doing. Althea had brought her food and told her that if she didn't eat, it would be bad. Regan had eaten, but she couldn't shake away the dread. She was on the edge, expecting him to burst in within the second. And that....that lover of his, Vesper. What the hell was going on? Why her name was Vesper?

She wondered what her aunt was doing and this tormented her even more. Her aunt's thoughts would never reach the extent into thinking that her niece was abducted by aliens.

"Oh God....This is so strange," she murmured. But then she was smiling at herself. Not because she was abducted, not because of the things Althea told her. She was smiling because of her powers. Because she was more than she had ever seen herself as. She didn't even remember the last time she had smiled genuinely.

She started singing. She had been doing that a lot lately. It helped her calm down and escape from the loneliness and the weight of her situation. It was a random song she had heard.

But the calmness didn't last. She felt a presence. The same she felt on Earth. The same she felt when she would do her homework in her own house. Her voice faded away and she was left with the feeling of being watched.

"Damnit," she cursed under her breath. A few moments later, she wasn't feeling it anymore. She waited and then sighed, starting to sing again.

But then, her singing was interrupted once more. The doors swung open, and there was him, the sorcerer. She was bewildered. Hadn't she locked the door? Did he hear her singing? How embarrassing.

He stepped in, his long robe flowing elegantly around him. His signature smirk was plastered across his face, making Regan scowl.

"You don't know how to knock on a door, do you?" Regan spat, her voice laced with irritation and anger. She couldn't believe he entered like that. And when she remembered she saw him last night, she felt a wave of embarrassment.

"I know that you have a lovely voice," he retorted, his own voice husky, almost hypnotic. He closed the door behind him, and leaned against it, watching her carefully. "And I'm the lord of this castle, I don't have to knock on my own rooms. And you could've locked the door, you know?"

Regan's scowl deepened, her heart hammering in her chest as she glared at the sorcerer. "What do you want?" she demanded, her voice sharp and cold. She was embarrased, but didn't want to show it. She was still sitting on the bed and she didn't know what to do. Her arms were crossed over her chest, her shoulders hunched defensively.

"Same question, what did you want yesterday in my bedroom?" Sirius retorted, his eyes filled with amusement.

"As if I give a damn about your bedroom," Regan snapped, her embarrassment turning into pure anger, "I didn't got here because I wanted to see you, you idiot. I got here because I wanted to escape. And I thought that was a way."

"Watch your language," Sirius said, his smirk not disappearing, You're so genuine it makes you foolish."

His eyes wandered around the room and then fell on her again, "Did you eat?"

Regan gritted her teeth. "Why do you care?"

Sirius's expression turned cold and contemplative, "Who said I care for you?" he retorted sharply, "I just don't want you to starve," he paused before adding, "Not yet."

Regan stood up from where she was sitting, "I'd rather starve than stay here."

"Feisty, I see," he drawled, pushing himself off the door, his expression unreadable, "but you forget I'm the one in charge here."

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