Periculosum Rosa

170 32 22

Regan again found herself in the big cafeteria. She was sitting embarrassed from the glares she was getting. But at the same time, she cursed herself for acting like a fool. She straightened up a bit, keeping her phone on the table, trying to ignore the stares.

She could see Olivia with her friends, laughing and whispering at each other as they looked at her .

Regan didn't care about being talked behind back as long as they wouldn't say it directly to her.

The crowd in queue shifted a bit and Vesper came, holding a tray with two sandwiches and orange juice.

"Hey did you get bored?" she asked smiling. "The queue was long."

"No problem, I know."

She sat in front of Regan since the table had only two chairs. Regan hoped that she would eat her meal peacefully, without having to hear Olivia's provoking taunts or being mocked around by someone else. She couldn't stand both things.

She thought of Vesper, about the fact that she hadn't seen her hanging out with anyone else. Vesper looked friendly and outgoing compared to how Regan saw herself: dull and boring.

However, she hadn't seen Vesper talking to anyone in class too. Regan was new here but was Vesper so? After all, Vesper should have gotten some sort of other company.

"Do you have any other friends?" Regan suddenly asked out of thoughts.

The other girl frowned and Regan regretted saying that. Was it rude?

Vesper's face softened again within a second, like hot water melting the ice, "Of course I have," she said as she took a bite of the sandwich, "and I have even moreee then friends," she added and her lips curled upwards in the process, "they're just not in this school."

Her behaviour felt creepy but Regan shrugged it off, "That's cool," she replied not finding anything better to say.

"Have you ever had any friend?" Vesper asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh, I've had, were I lived before," Regan replied. The truth was, she had had some sort of 'friends' but they were just fake friends who used her to do their homework and assignments.

"Well, well, well, two weirdos of our school, hanging out themselves," a familiar voice nearly startled Regan. She looked behind to see the rude jerk that you already know.

Regan sighed in frustration, preparing to leave. She didn't want to waste time with these pricks. But as soon as she was going to stand up, a blond haired guy appeared from nowhere and stepped near Vesper. He placed a hand on her shoulder and with his other hand, twirled her hair. Regan's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, she hadn't really thought that Vesper had a boyfriend.

"How are you doing, cupcake?" he asked, his voice teasing.

"Get lost, Nate," Vesper retorted in an attempt to say it angrily but it seemed as if she failed.

"Oh, come on cupcake, we were good yesterday," the guy called Nate said, "perhaps we meet tonight?"

Regan wanted to leave but she was also curious. It wasn't like she really cared that Vesper had a boyfriend, it was just that she didn't want him to get in their friendship. She glanced around, seeing how everyone's attention was on her friend and the guy. She feared that if she would stay there any longer, the attention would shift at her in some way.

"You fool dare take my boyfriend?" Olivia suddenly snarled, her features twisted into a scowl. Vesper only smirked, fueling her up even more.

Regan's eyes widened at what she heard, but she didn't do anything. Now, the cafeteria was in silence, everyone seeming to relish the drama that was being stirred.

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