Effugium consilium

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Regan was pacing around, her fists clenched with anger and resentment. She didn't cry anymore, and wondered ehat happened with Seraphina. What if Sirius did something to her?

Her chest was tight and she felt like suffocating. She was staying in the property of someone who killed her family. The thought filled her with rage. She had to get out of here. She wanted revenge, but for now, she needed a plan instead of acting impulsive.

She rummaged though the wardrobe and found a cloak that was good for concealment. She wore it, tied the lace on her waist and put on the hood. But as soon as she wore it, she started feeling hot and uncomfortable. But she had to do this.

Amore watched her with a puzzled look, her black eyelashes curling up as her eyes widened. Regan grabbed her and hid her under her cloak.

Quietly, she opened the door and peeked outside. It was a chilling silence like everytime, except, there were guards around. Guards, in military attires, armed.

"Damnit! Armed men exists here as well!" Regan cursed lowly. Why there were guards?

Her mind raced with thoughts that she couldn't walk without being seen. There was literally no way for her to go, without being seen. "I'm stuck here," she muttered to herself. Amore nuzzled on her arm, trying to comfort her.

Maybe she had to try, fool them around. Who knows, maybe they let her go if she excused herself.

She stepped out of the chamber, the guards hearing her. One of them turned and asked, "Where to?"

"I was going to....I was going to see the garden. It's a lovely day outside, and I thought I could use some fresh air," Regan improvised, trying to sound casual despite the nerves fluttering in her stomach.

The guard narrowed his eyes, eyeing her suspiciously. Then, he exchanged looks with the others and turned to her, "Very well, but don't wander too far. We have our orders." He gestured for her to proceed, keeping a suspicious look.

Regan tried to keep her composure, her heart pounding with each step. She quickly disappeared from their side and went down a pair of marble stairs. She didn't want to go anywhere dangerous, but she wanted to find a way out of here.

The corridors were a maze, and every turn could lead to unexpected challenges.

After stepping down the other floor, she really needed to find the way to the garden. It'd be easier to escape. However, it was difficult to navigate since the darkness was in all the ways around. Suddenly, she heard some footsteps and her heart lurched in her throat.

She pressed herself on the shadows on the wall, hiding and praying to not get caught by whoever was coming. Amore seemed to hold her breath too. The footsteps came closer and she saw that it was general Vlad, that man she had encountered in the morning.

He seemed focused, perhaps on some duty, unaware of Regan's presence. As he passed, she sighed in relief and continued her escape, moving with swift and calculated steps.

She clenched the hood tight and continued to move. However, when she took a turn on the right, which was the only direction available, she stumbled upon a set of tall doors.

She turned her head back, looking at the flickering torches on the wall, which casted scary and chilling shadows.

She hadn't ever been good at quick decisions. However, footsteps echoed again and this time, her panic raised even more, knowing she couldn't hide, except past that door.

With a sense of urgency, she swiftly opened it, silently grateful that it wasn't locked. After she closed the door behind her, she felt an emptiness in her side. Her eyes widened. Amore wasn't there in her hold.

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