Mea principesa

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When Regan woke up, she stirred slowly, finding herself in the previous room she was in. She was lying on the bed, covered with blankets. She rubbed her eyes hard and yawned.

However, the memories flooded back in and she felt a wave of fear wash over her. She remembered Sirius carrying her and she immediately shoved the blankets away, sighing in relief when seeing she was fully dressed. But then, her eyes widened when she saw her clothes better. They were the same, but they were brand new. The shirt and the pants weren't torn and dirty anymore. They looked as if they had just been bought from a store.

Regan's heart raced and she slipped off the bed, walking over to the mirror to examine herself. She couldn't believe her eyes. Not only were her clothes pristine, but her hair looked just as better as the last time she had seen it. And her face....her face looked....she felt prettier, but she quickly hated herself for it.

Even the cut on her forearm, which had been a visible scar before, was now barely noticeable, just a faint line of healed skin.

Regan's sense of dread and anger raised expectantly, and her mind swirled with the usual cynical thoughts. She was sure Sirius had done something sinister to her while she was unconscious. She felt violated, angry, and frustrated at her own mistake. What if he had....had....

She couldn't finish the thought. The possibilities were too horrifying. She paced around her room, her heart racing, her fists clenched. She wasn't scared of fighting, defying, yelling or whatever she had done to him. But she was terrified of being helpless, of not knowing what had happened, of feeling like he did something to her that she couldn't understand.

Her mind raced. She didn't know what he did, but why were her clothes clean and her hair combed? She prayed to God that Sirius hadn't done anything like that to her. She prayed to God with all of her heart.

She walked over to the door to see if she could get out. Surprisingly, it wasn't locked. She was sure of what she was going to do. She was going to find the bastard named Sirius and kill him.

With determination, she stormed out of the room. The castle was eerily quiet, save for the hush of servants moving about their duties. Regan made her way through the corridors, and used the damned fire bond to find Sirius's presence. It seemed that he was in his chamber, and she wasn't surprised. When she reached there, she took a deep breath and then pushed open the doors forcefully, her hands trembling with anger.

The room was dimly lit and Sirius was standing by the window, his back towards her, seemingly lost in thought..

"What the hell did you do when I was asleep?" Regan demanded, her voice cutting through the air like a sharp blade. Sirius was unperturbed by her sudden entrance. He turned slowly to face her, his expression unreadable.

"Good morning, my princess," he said calmly, his gaze meeting hers. "Did you sleep well?"

Regan's fury flared even more at his nonchalant demeanor. "Shut up," she snapped. "You did something to me after you drugged me! I'm not a fool! I'm not a-"

"You flatter yourself," Sirius said with a smirk. "You think I'm so interested in you?"

"I don't flatter myself at all," Regan retorted sharply, "I know what you're capable of and I know you did something and I'm going to-"

"So what if I did?" he interrupted again, his voice cold but his eyes filled with a sense of amusement.

"Then you're going to pay for it! I swear I'll make you regret ever laying a hand on me," Regan declared, her fists clenched at her sides. She took a step forward, her gaze burning with rage.

Sirius raised an eyebrow, his expression turning thoughtful. "And how do you plan on making me regret it?" he asked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

"You'll see," Regan replied, her voice low and menacing.

𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐕𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora