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They came upon a clearing, a place surrounded by frozen trees and glistering ice. The storm had subsided and the cold wasn't as fierce as before. But the ground was slippery and Regan was having it hard enough to walk. She didn't want to humiliate herself by falling, because judging already, Sirius was having enough amusement seeing her like this.

"You could've held on me," he said, his voice dripping with amusement. "You don't have to be so stubborn for your own safety."

"Mind your own business," Regan retorted, stopping and holding on a tree. But the ice made her hand freeze. They had been walking for long enough and she had no idea when he'd stop.

She watched him as he swirled his hand and then a mass of air followed its movement, summoning a blue portal in the air.

"Go first, little kitten," he said, gesturing at the portal.

Regan scowled in annoyance at being called 'little kitten', "Why?" she snapped, "Are you afraid I'll escape if you go first?"

"Oh, no," he nonchalantly replied, "I'm just saying, if beasts are lurking on the other side, you'd be the one to die first, at least."

"You're the real beast here," Regan hissed, her eyes narrowing.

"Oh, Regan. You wounded my heart with your sharp words," Sirius dramatically sighed, his eyes innocent. "Besides, you're not willing to hold my hand, are you? If you don't want to go alone?"

"I'd rather die than hold your hand," Regan snapped.

"Dramatic," he remarked.

With a sigh, Regan walked slowly to the portal, finding it still unbelievable how it would teleport her somewhere else. She entered the portal, feeling sick from the sensation.

As she teleported to the city, surrounded by night, people and skyscrapers, a sense of dread washed over her. What if Sirius left her here alone?

But then he teleported as well, and she didn't know whether to feel relief that she wasn't all alone, or dread that she was with her abductor.

"Let's go," he said, starting to walk, leaving no place for her to refuse. She saw he had a black mask on his face, probably because he didn't want others to recognize him. She followed him, her heart racing in her chest.

The city was more than brighter and brilliant. However, she couldn't help but feel hopeless. It wasn't even day. The sky was dark and surprisingly there weren't any planets or stars visible.

She didn't have any plans. She had only one, yes. That was to find Iris, and then....then she didn't know. She was completely lost in Sirius's grasp.

As lost in thought, she felt a tug at her cloak, drawing her to the other side. Startled, she whirled around to see Sirius looking down at her. "You seem lost, little kitten," he said, his voice laced with amusement. "Are you having trouble finding your way?"

Her cheeks flushed with anger and embarrassment, but she forced herself to stay disinterested. She ignored him, walking forward.

"Oh, grumpy?" Sirius teased, walking beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "Who hurt my little kitten?" He chuckled, and she gritted her teeth, pulling away.

"I'm not your little kitten," Regan retorted, trying to control her anger. It was becoming infuriatingly difficult.

"You need to stay close to me," he said, now his voice stern and stoic. "It won't be good if you look as if you're lost."

"I'm hungry," she suddenly said. In fact, she was. She hadn't eaten anything since the night she witnessed Agnar's affair. Thinking of that creep made her blood boil and she remembered Artemis, her foolish sister. What was she doing now?

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