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A chilling silence was set on the grand table where the witches, the sorcerer and his general were seated. None of them was saying a single word. Vesper and Allegra were frustrated as always by his behaviour. His plate was filled and he wasn't doing anything. He was lost in thought and the girls were pissed off.

"Do we got company?" Allegra finally asked, throwing her question at Sirius.

He took a sip of his drink and then looked at her, his expression careless. "Why do you think so?" He raised an eyebrow.

Allegra shrugged, "I don't know. You look like you're waiting for someone."

"For who would he be waiting?" Vesper interrupted, her face twisted into a sneer.

"There's company," he abruptly stated.

"Who?" Vesper asked.

"You'll see."

"Oh, that's turning on something," Circe muttered under her breath.

"I think I should know who's going to come," Vesper said, trying to contain her frustration. Sirius totally igorned her, turning to Vlad. Vlad was sitting there, his expression stoic and cold, mirroring his lord's one.

"General Vlad, what's with Finn's case?"

"He's going to be caught in no time. Our men are in the way, my lord," general Vlad answered.

Vesper exchanged glances with Allegra, knowing there was something off. Allegra's face was turned into a scowl. When she heard footsteps from far and saw a redhead coming, her eyes went went wide. Circe's too.

"You-you brought her here?! What is she doing here?" Allegra exclaimed.

Vesper's eyebrows furrowed and she turned behind to see Regan as well. Her jaw clenched. What was she doing here? What was his plan? She knew that Regan would recognise her in no time. And she wanted to reveal herself, but not here, not now. But this wasn't what made her angry. It was him bringing Regan here.

She looked at him, he had a smug expression on his face as he was supposedly looking at who was coming.

Circe's expression became less surprised. She smirked, eyeing them all like they were fools. "We just got a new candidate, didn't we?"

Circe's comment got everyone's attention on the table. While Sirius and Vlad remained unfazed, the other sisters fury multiplied, and they both shot death stares to their sister.

"You did not do that!" Vesper hissed through clenched teeth. "You did not bring her here!" She was seething with anger, her fists clenched at her sides. Sirius's expression was still unfazed as he calmly sipped his drink, his eyes fixed on Regan.

Regan hated herself for what she was doing. It was embarrassing and bad, terrible even. She was so panicked and anxious that she wasn't paying attention to the grandeur that surrounded her.

She kept telling herself that she was obeying the vicious sorcerer because she didn't want her aunt to face any consequences.

Althea led her on the way and they reached the grand dining room. The first thing that Regan noticed was him, staring at her blankly. And then the others.

"What kind of bullshit is this? Am I going to eat dinner with extraterrestrial beings?!" she asked herself.

The table was so long, adorned with white tablecloth, painted with designs of curved gold lines. The chamber itself was grand and tall, with crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The walls were adorned with tapestries in white and gold. The floor was made of dark expensive and shiny wood. There was a red carpet leading from the entrance to the dining room. It was working well with the red velvet curtains. The table was filled with dishes, the glasses were crystal clean. There were candelabras on the table, with long, thick white candles.

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