Part 16- Forgiveness

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Chapter 16

I'm sorry I pushed you and bugged you so much with it. And I'm also very sorry about how I spoke to you and how I handled the whole abortion thing. It's your body, and only you have the right to decide when you're ready to be a mother. I overreacted in my head, obviously, because he wasn't planning on cornering me with it again. It turns out this is damage control version 4.0.

"This was all I needed from you, Justin. A sincere apology. Promises that you can keep, not all those cheesy things you were doing, which were very sweet, by the way. The reason I was so hurt was that I love you so much, and I would have expected that from everyone but you. I was so hurt, and it still hurts whenever I think about it."

"Then don't think about it." He reaches out to my hand again. "Please give me the chance to make things right again. Please?"


Could you hurry with the hot water, please?" I call from the bathroom. The bathtub hot water decided to fail precisely during Ghana's winter. The weather's freezing today, and I can't figure out why. Justin arrives with a bucket of hot water he prepared with a kettle.

"What's up?" I inquire, puzzled by his lingering in the bathroom. "We're finished here, so... go!" I motion towards the bedroom.

"Even if I'm in the bedroom, I can still see you, you know?" He pouts, leaning on the bathroom counter. Regardless of kicking him out, it's an en-suite, so he'll still have visibility. I scream as the water splashes onto me.

"Are you trying to burn my vagina? The water is too hot." I scream and he laughs. He's laughing so hard that I end up joining him when I realize what he was laughing at. I basically said the V word in front of him.

"I'm so sorry. Use the shower." He apologizes, still laughing.

I'm wearing my newest lingerie for this reunion. I hug Justin from behind and cover his neck with kisses. He still smells the same. My hand go down his abs and down into his summer shorts. It's my turn to make him go all crazy down there. He turns to face me and lean in to my kisses. The kisses suddenly goes out of control and turns wild with his tongue merging mine. He drops me on the bed and covers every part of my skin with kisses. I moan hoarsely as I I rest my head on the headboard. You have no idea how much I've missed him in bed and all those sweet things he says to me when we're having sex. It's a good thing Ariana is out with her friends because she will definitely go out of her mind with what will go on in here. We are both hungry for each other just like how a vampire is hungry for blood.

Here's the corrected passage:

"I guess the thing about love is, it's all about forgiveness. Years ago, I'd have vowed to leave any man who said such hurtful things to me, like what Justin said, but here I am giving him a second chance to be a better person with me as his guide. I've never been a fan of getting married, but here I am, married to someone's son. And as I always say, "having babies is not my thing." But I know a day will come when I'll have to make a huge sacrifice and give Justin that child he wants so much. He has already sacrificed so much for me, and sometimes I tend to forget it. He literally abandoned his family, friends, and work in Australia just to settle with me here in Ghana because he wanted me to be stable in my career first before moving. But sometimes I can't help but be scared. I think I'm scared of having to lose my only source of livelihood and the only thing I'm good at. It took me years to decide on what to do. I had to leave home and become a completely new person. I took the first opportunity at jumping on this job with so much hesitation, and I'm worried about what my life will become if I finally give birth to four or more children and gain that horrific amount of weight. I've always been a control freak when it comes to my weight.

"But I also know I'll eventually have to make this huge sacrifice for him, just like he has done for me on countless occasions. James will tell you, "Marriage is all about sacrifices and concessions."

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