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Juniper sat on the grass outside watching Morty, who was vacuuming his parents.

Summer walked outside, "hurry up Morty, grandpa Ricks about to unfreeze time," she said, "and you really should be cleaning top to bottom."

"I know how to vacuum mom and dad Summer," Morty rolled his eyes, "I've been doing it for six months."

"Then you've been doing it wrong for six months."

"C'mon kids, stop bickering," Juniper said, "let's just vacuum their asses and unfreeze this shit already."

They ignored her and continued on their arguing. Juniper rolled her eyes and played with the blades of grass around her shoes. She only tuned back into their conversation when Summer said something that bugged her.

"Do you ever get scared grandpa Rick might make me his new sidekick?" Summer said cockily.

"What?!" Morty shouted, "what kind of monster are you?"

"A competent one," Summer said looking at her nails.

"Who cares about the thing you guys are talking about," Rick stepped outside, dismissing the pairs conversation, "the whole point of freezing time was to stop giving a fuck, now put a shirt on your dumb dad, and let's get this dumb universe rolling."

Juniper stood up and walked inside after Morty popped a shirt onto Jerry, Rick closed the door and held up his machine, "alright listen guys, we froze time for a pretty long time, so when I unfreeze it," he waved the machine around, "the world's time is gonna be fine, but our time is going to need a bit to, you know, stabilize."

"So, our time is going to be unstable," Juniper said, "what does that mean?"

"It means relax," Rick said pushing next to Juniper, "it also means don't touch Beth and Jerry, or we could shatter into countless theocratical shards."

"Wait-wait a minute what?" Morty yelled anxiously.

"And away we go!" Rick ignored him pressing the button to unfreeze time.

The Earth shook for a second time and Rick threw an arm over their shoulders getting ready for Beth and Jerry to come in.

Morty shuffled next to Juniper, "uh, did we ever put that mattress under Mr. Benson?"

"Shush Morty," Rick and Summer yelled.

Jerry came barging through the door, "a thing or two about-" he stopped mid-sentence looking around, "wait what? Was the house," Jerry paced around, "when we pulled up, I could've sworn the house was completely trashed."

"Negative visualization, Jerry," Rick said, "explains a lot about where you're at."

"Hi sweetie," he waved to Beth.

"Hi dad," she smiled walking over to them for a hug.

Each one of them backed up, Beth gave them a confused look, "is everything okay?"

𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔪𝔬𝔦𝔩⋆ ★Where stories live. Discover now