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Juniper jumped and looked to her right, "did I stutter?" Rick stood with arms crossed staring daggers at the girl.

"Rick don't be an asshole I was just-just showing her some of your inventions. She's a scientist too I-" the boy pleaded.

"Don't care," the older man stepped dangerously close to Juniper.

"I'll just uh be going then," Juniper staggered, climbing quickly up the ladder.

"Ugh Rick you're so-"

"What? rude, arrogant, an asshole," he questioned, "or just someone who doesn't like random fucking people snooping through his stuff."

Juniper fled up through the bunker, after hearing his little fight with Morty. She rushed for the door that was seemingly locked, then the garage door which she wasn't quite sure how to open. Finally, the pair came up through the hole and turned to her.

"Why are you still here?" The older man's voice was laced with annoyance.

"The um the door was locked, and I don't know how to open the garage door, haha," she tried to laugh it off.

Rick flipped a switch and the garage door opened slowly. Juniper watched the door slide slowly and thought about what Rick had done with his life. He made all these inventions, cloned himself, traveled all around the universe, and made the most amazing thing interdimensional travel. What had she done? Worked stressfully long hours, contributed very little to science in the grand scheme of things, and never did anything she really wanted. Sam amped-up what Juniper had really done; her work is a small fragment of all the other scientific accomplishments in the world. This was something she wanted to do, and she'd be damned if she didn't.

Juniper spun around on her heels, "I want to join you!" She yelled at Rick.

Rick held a straight face, "what?"

"I mean I want to join you on your trips through space, doing everything you do," her eyes were stars, "you're inspiring."

Rick scoffed, "no," he said simply.

"What why?!" Juniper blew air in her cheeks, "you don't even know anything about me to say flat out no."

"I know enough trust me."

"What is it you know then?" The young girl took steps toward him.

"I know you're a pain in the ass, far too annoying, and a pest," he rattled off.

"Well, that's just rude," Juniper crossed her arms, "I could be useful."

Rick let out a loud laugh, taking a seat, "yeah right."

"No, no I could!" She pleaded, "I'm uh I'm resourceful, a quick learner, a-a chemist."

"Thanks for the resume kiddo but no," the older man waved his hand signaling for her to leave.

Juniper took a step closer to the man, "you're so high and mighty, I could be useful, I'm smart," she crossed her arms, "could be even smarter than you if you taught me."

"I'd take that bet," Morty chimed in from the sidelines.

"See! Even little Morty here agrees," Juniper smiled.

Rick spun around getting in Juniper's face, "Morty's an idiot and no one is as smart as I am," his face was full of rage by now.

"Haha! There it is! You're afraid I would surpass you," Juniper smirked.

"I'd like to see that happen," Rick narrowed his eyes.

"Then give me a chance."


Juniper stayed silent, staring into his eyes, "I won't take that as an answer," she ripped a piece of paper from her notebook brushing past Rick, "here Morty, this is my number, you call me if you need anything," she smiled.

The young girl wrapped her hair into a tie and walked toward the door, "alrighty nice chat see you two tomorrow!" She said happily.

"I never agreed-"

"No, you didn't," Juniper disregarded what Rick was going to say. 

Juniper stepped outside of the garage with a skip in her step, the door slammed behind her, and muffled yelling was heard. She ignored the yelling and looked up at the sky.

With a slight smile she said, "let's explore space." 



𝔢𝔪𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔪𝔬𝔦𝔩⋆ ★Where stories live. Discover now